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Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf

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I figured I'd share this here, because, frankly, it rocks.


You'll need:


1LB Bacon.

1LB GOOD ground beef (angus, sirloin, etc.)

1 Onion

1/2 cup ketchup/catsup

Handful or two of shredded cheese

2 Eggs



Chop the onion up into small pieces, and mix beef, eggs, onion, ketchup and cheese in a mixing bowl. Mash that shit together with your hands, don't be a wimp, get in there.


Set that aside for a minute, we'll get back to it.


Lay bacon across the meatloaf tray, perpendicular to the tray so the ends of the pieces of bacon hang out of the tray.


Shape the meat into the bacon inside the pan, and then wrap the bacon over the top of the meat loaf.


Put a plate over top of the tray, and turn the whole works over so it comes out on the plate, and the bacon is now wrapped around and tucked under the meatloaf.


Lay bacon in the pan again, same as before, and then drop the loaf back into the pan, wrapping the bacon around the top like you did the first time.


Lay the remaining bacon across the top of the loaf.


Bake at 350 degrees until an internal temperature of 170-180 degrees is reached.


Broil at 500 degrees until the bacon on top is crispy.


Remove from oven, drain grease, and dump loaf out carefully. Re-insert into the pan upside down, and then broil again, until bacon is crispy.


You can substitute BBQ sauce for ketchup if you like.

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That's kinda mean, Aaron. The radiation has screwed up my taste. I used to be Mr. "gimmee dead cow"...... now red meat nearly makes me gag.


Where was that friggen recipe last year?

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That ain't good Jim!


Do they think it will be back to normal when you're better?


It hasn't soured your flavor for whiskey, has it?!

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Well.... if I drink every night, a 26 will last me 2 weeks. If I drink beer, the fist sip will tell me if I'm going to drink it or dump it.


So far, the only thing I can be sure that I can ear comfortably is friggin Eggos....EWWWWWW

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Thanks for joggling my memory, Keith. I'm considering giving the stuff a try.


Gonna be funny, I used to be into recreational pharmacology in my youth and gave up on the stuff when I met my wife. I tried a toke about 20 years ago......


Right now, I'm hungry enough to eat the north end out of a southbound skunk...... but I'm out of Eggos and thinking about anything else just ain't cutting it.

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The electric lettuce will help with the appetite. One of the main reasons I don't bother with the shit anymore.


I tried it when my back was all buggered up, but it would just make me eat everything in sight (opiates kill the appetite), and then fall asleep on the couch in a fucked up position that caused me more pain than I was when I started.


How are you healing up, Jim?

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Sad to say Aaron, there is no "heal" for what I got. I have three lesions in my brain - I go to the ww cross cancer institute in Edmonton in August for an MRI to see if they got bigger or stayed the same.


I hope that I am one of the lucky few that get to say "I beat it". Until then, all I can do is get all my ducks in a row, live each day to the fullest and let tomorrow worry about itself.


I just finished replacing my water heater and that took quite a bit out of me. For sure I'm not ready for full time work. Employment Insurance is about to run out but I'm pretty sure that they'll re-enroll me for at least the next 15 weeks. Be nice if they paid shit, though. By the time they deduct tax, it's less than $1000 a week..... maybe I should leave my appetite the way it is. Posted Image

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