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Amp Clamp

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Looking for an amp clamp suitable for relative compression testing. i plan to start running said test on every driveability concern or tune-up as a CYA. I now work at Pep Boys and the corporate atmosphere is much like Ford's with never denying a "warranty" claim.  


If you want your car fixed for free...take it to Pep Boys, then bitch about it on the internet. They will fold like a cheap suit. 


I love the new shops employee's but corporate needs some work...


Ohhhh! Just remembered we have a VERUS and it has an Amp Clamp. They only problem with using it is the Pep Boys security makes it a 3-5 minute boot-up with frequent crashes. They turned it into a WDS...


Maybe I'll spend more time dicking with it first. 


never mind... :hammer:

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I was looking into the Hook, but was quite pricey from the Snappy dealer. Found much better prices online. If anyone has one what else is included with the kit? From the pics it looks like just battery leads come with it. Do I need to buy Power Point leads and terminal kit or do regular banana plugs work?



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