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HPOP differences, 03 vs 04

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Matt Saunoras

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Higher output at constant IPR


You could sell it to some of the forum weenies as an upgraded 03 pump for 03 only - for an additional 600 bucks.


Kind of like the "Spartan TCM" for the 2008 trucks.

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Well I am going to have an answer for you guys because I just "fixed" an 03 no-start with an 04 high pressure pump.  Long story short I diaged a truck for a towing company in their garage after hours.  03 no start, sawtooth ICP.  Owner says wait there's a high pressure pump around here somewhere, let me find it.  I said, yeah smallish box, should have a 3C3Z part number. He says okay btw if you want the job it's yours.


After some digging around we find a pump, pull it out, everything is there.  I'm in autopilot so I throw it in.  Truck starts right up, running like a top.  Shut it down.  Gather up my shit to leave for the night, grab the box to toss the core in and there it is, the label.  4C3Z-9A543-AARM


I'm thinking you have got to be kidding me.

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