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CAN network issues during regen?

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Have a 2009 F350 that we have been fighting with for a bit. Came in for cluster going stupid with a lot of communication codes in all modules, mostly pertaining to the cluster. Disconnected the TBC module and let him go, has same issues. Went though all the chafe/ green death points with nothing found. Bulk head connectors at left front spring tower also good. The weather warmed up and it was good, we assumed that the cluster may be over heating when he has his heat turned up. We changed the cluster and he was good for a few days. He then mentions that when it happens it wants to go into regen, but never completes the cycle. Last time it was back I checked a few other modules and the bulk head connectors again and he left. He went 4 days with no issues, then it went into regen, the cooling fan went to max speed, the cluster went stupid. After driving it for a bit like this, the fan slowed down, the cluster came back to normal and it said regen was complete, and has been good ever since. I doubt it has anything to do with the cooling fan, but am leaning towards a PCM issue now. Any thoughts?

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That's what we thought, but it runs and shifts normal when it happens. Doesn't a vref short typically result in a driveability concern or the dreaded PCM reset? Plus there are no related codes that a vref issue would normally set.

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Any chance the turbo actuator/wiring is shorting CAN?  If the underhood temps are really high due to regen it might wreak havoc on the electronics inside the actuator. It would be nice if IDS had a bus monitor so you could see exactly what is going on.  


I can't remember if '08-'10 trucks are the same as '11+ but on 6.7L's it is in regen before the cluster tells you it is so the underhood temps could be climbing before he realizes it is in regen.

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All under hood wiring looks good. It's a real stumper. Going to hotline with it once I get another work order written up. Another odd thing is once it was going stupid outside then it would be ok, then it would go stupid again. By the time I got back to the truck with my multimeter to check the terminating resistors at the DLC the truck was fine.

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Is it only happening during regen?  Is there any solid trigger(temp, rain, snow...etc)?


This one doesn't make a lot of sense.  If the bus is completely going down then it shouldn't shift correctly either.  What do you mean when you say the cluster goes stupid?  Is it just one gauge or all of them?  All the telltales or just a couple?  When this happens does the affected parts of the cluster cycle quickly between working and not or does it completely stop working for some extended period of time?

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  On 2/7/2014 at 1:30 AM, Brad Clayton said:

Has the cab been off? If so are all the connectors fully seated?


Yes and yes, I put a long block in it over a year ago.

  On 2/7/2014 at 12:41 AM, Cetane said:

Is it only happening during regen?  Is there any solid trigger(temp, rain, snow...etc)?


This one doesn't make a lot of sense.  If the bus is completely going down then it shouldn't shift correctly either.  What do you mean when you say the cluster goes stupid?  Is it just one gauge or all of them?  All the telltales or just a couple?  When this happens does the affected parts of the cluster cycle quickly between working and not or does it completely stop working for some extended period of time?

By stupid I mean all gauges drop to zero, all warning lights come on, the message center cylces through all it warnings and the transmission indicator goes out. Last time I looked at the truck it would do this for about 30 seconds then return to normal for about a minute, then do it again.

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  • 1 month later...

What was ever found with this truck? I have the same issue with a truck in my shop now, replaced cluster, same thing. Scoped the whole harness, all looks okay and has a new engine/engine harness. All bulkheads seated properly with no corrosion. Sorry if the answer is right in front of me, I'm kinda tired lol

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