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Another Ford Quality Reman Engine With Issues

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Just curious. How many of you guys have had issues with FQR engines? I have one here, a 2008 F-550 dump truck that I slammed a 6007 drop-in engine assembly back in January of this year. Not even 140 kms. (85 miles) later it came back in on the hook with a complaint of black smoke and surging.


KOEO test brings up P0106 MAP sensor correlation DTC. Monitored BARO, MAP and EBP at KOEO and all three are reading 14.3 to 14.5 psi so I cleared it, and started it up to let it idle until it comes up to operating temperature to do a KOER test. After about 45 minutes of idling outside the shop, I go to check up on it and before I even touched anything, the engine began to run horrible (like a loud fuel or bottom end knock). Next thing you know, the engine just suddenly began to rev up all by itself so I shut it down, with the key in my hand, I saw the tach go up to 5gs!!! Yup, it ran away on me. Thankfully, it only ran for about 15 seconds MAX before it shut down itself.


Okay, now it gets pushed into the shop before I even touch one thing under the hood. Here are the KOEO goods, AFTER the runaway. U-0100-20: IC, P0069-FF: PCM, P006B-FF: PCM, P0219-FF: PCM, P1000-FF: PCM, P1336-FF: PCM and U0100-A0: RCM. Here is some interesting freeze frame data too. For DTCs P0069 and P006B ECT 86*F, MAP 8.7psi, RPM 0, VSS 0kph, IAT 46*F, BARO 14.3psi, EOT 91*F, MAF 6g/s, APP_D 0v and APP_E 0v. For DTCs P0219 and P1336 the data is ECT 159*F, MAP 22.5psi, RPM 4608, VSS 0kph, IAT 26*F, BARO 14.3psi, EOT 158*F, MAF 655g/s, APP_D 0v and APP_E 0v. I find it interesting that the MAP psi reading went way down when it set the first two new DTCs after erasing the original P0106 it came in with. Sure enough, checking MAP again at KOEO revealed 7.21psi so it likely needs a MAP to start. As far as the runaway event, it will be interesting to see what let go (or wasn't assembled properly???) inside the engine.

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The last reman 6007 6.4L I put in ended up needing new head gaskets, then a short block, then 2 new heads. So, yes, I have had issues with these engines.

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Me three. I have had the last 3 or 4 6.0L engines with multiple injector failures shortly after completeion. These were complete assemblies too. I havent had the displeasure of doiung a 6.4L in quite some time now. Knock on wood.

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Just put one in an 08. I was looking at fuel trims after resetting adaptive learning. They were all over the place, up to -19. It ran pretty good for all considered. It shot its wad after 100 miles. Metal debris in the fuel.

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I have one right now. I did an enhanced 6.4 short block in February, on a 08(customer pay@30k miles) and it just came in today for routine maintenance and I noticed oil from the front cover. Next Tuesday I get to dig into it and see whats up with that.

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Well folks. Let this one go on record for the very shortest lived reman drop-in assembly. Exactly 118 kms. (75 miles), 15 hours and two months later, all due to a badly leaking HPFP that has caused a runaway, and cylinder #1 being 100 psi lower than the other eight. Thankfully, I was cut a prior approval for an SPW with just this much information without having to tear down any further. Yeah me!!!

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  On 3/20/2014 at 2:58 AM, mchan68 said:

Well folks. Let this one go on record for the very shortest lived reman drop-in assembly. Exactly 118 kms. (75 miles), 15 hours and two months later, all due to a badly leaking HPFP that has caused a runaway, and cylinder #1 being 100 psi lower than the other eight. Thankfully, I was cut a prior approval for an SPW with just this much information without having to tear down any further. Yeah me!!!



All current calibrations are supposed to prevent that no? If the engine oil level is overfill the PCM will detect it and set a wrench light or something... what happened there?

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  On 3/20/2014 at 10:03 AM, Keith Browning said:


  On 3/20/2014 at 2:58 AM, mchan68 said:

Well folks. Let this one go on record for the very shortest lived reman drop-in assembly. Exactly 118 kms. (75 miles), 15 hours and two months later, all due to a badly leaking HPFP that has caused a runaway, and cylinder #1 being 100 psi lower than the other eight. Thankfully, I was cut a prior approval for an SPW with just this much information without having to tear down any further. Yeah me!!!



All current calibrations are supposed to prevent that no? If the engine oil level is overfill the PCM will detect it and set a wrench light or something... what happened there?


Keith, I asked Hotline the exact same question you are asking here. And yes, this particular truck is at the latest (and greatest???) calibration level that SHOULD'VE set P252f a long time ago before this event occured. Hotline's reluctant response was, some vehicles will set that code more easily than others, so I don't know.

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I just had a overfilled crankcase on one of my 6.4s here. It never set a code and I know its on the latest calibration level. I caught it based on engine vibration I felt during a roadtest.

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  On 3/15/2014 at 2:45 AM, Aaron said:

Who the fuck is doing the remans now, Jasper?!

according to jasper their remans are the best and have all the best updates! :crazy:  I just had a rep tell me the other day they are doing 6.7 remans now and they have figured out all the issues and problems with the valves etc :chinrub2: He had fancy videos on his ipad that proved it :haha2:

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I just put a jasper reman in an ambulance to replace another jasper reman that didn't make any high pressure oil.


Glow plug codes within 600mi on "new" glow plugs.

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  On 3/20/2014 at 2:57 PM, DieselD said:


  On 3/15/2014 at 2:45 AM, Aaron said:

Who the fuck is doing the remans now, Jasper?!

according to jasper their remans are the best and have all the best updates! :crazy:  I just had a rep tell me the other day they are doing 6.7 remans now and they have figured out all the issues and problems with the valves etc :chinrub2: He had fancy videos on his ipad that proved it :haha2:


I bet PowerstrokeHelp.com is consulting with Jasper. You know he has 6.7 videos out now.......................

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I put a complete 6.4 in a year or so ago and it came back for an oil cooler 4000 miles later. Had numerous coolant changes due to leaks in it's life, and a fairly recent radiator and the oil cooler on the old engine was not restricted.

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I put a jasper 6.0l in an 03 f-550 a while ago, customer supplied part. On install it was a crank no start, 0 psi icp pressure. It was an 03, there were no orings in the 2 stc fittings from the flex hose to the rails.(hmmm, the tag says that it was run on a dyno? I call bullshit)  Also put an fqr in an 07 a bit ago, ran for about 1000km and came in running rough, died in our lot. Massive combustion gas leak in rh fuel rail. Found all rh injectors were not torqued.

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I often wonder if these engines are run on alternate fuels instead of diesel. Like natural gas through the intake deal.


That being said though the ambulance I just did had red fuel in the engine when it showed up.

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Jasper's "dyno run" is horse crap.  Our shop used to be a "go to" for the local Jasper rep to send warranty stuff to.  I hated every minute of that. 


2 7.3s with "knurled" valve guides with seized valves, that the pistons whacked.  A bunch of GM 6.5s with the same issue.  6.5s with used electronic injection pumps installed, that caused constant stalling and breakdowns.  


Gas motors with incorrect bolts used, that broke.


Two straws that broke the owner's back:

Shop bought a 4R70w for a E250.  Trans neutraled and hammered on 4-3, 4-2 and 3-2 downshifts under power.   After replacing every part on the motor, electronic wise, as their "trans wizard" said it CAN'T be the transmission's fault, didn't fix it, a trans from Ford did.  Customer got pissed at not having his truck for two weeks.  The shop ate the grand it cost to properly fix it. 


Second a school bus with a T444E, no icp on crank, goose it with ether, it'll run, but no power, surge and idle stability sucked.  Found right head had massive ICP leak from top of injector bore.  Pulled injector, evidence of severe rust in cylinder head (junkyard appearance of rust INSIDE valve cover) huge pit at upper o ring of injector. 

They sent a head, replacement head had a .020 piece of wire hanging out the injector hole at the chamber.  Send that POS back, got another.  Installed, using the crummiest head gasket I've ever seen.  On retorque, second to last head bolt pulled threads out of block, Jasper said RUN IT. The thing started easily, then started leaking oil out the bellhousing from the rear engine cover or back of oil pan, that had a CORK gasket on it.  OUT it went, back to bus company to put in another motor. 


I can't count the number of rears we bought from them that had gear noise at 45-50 on the gas.  Garbage.

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