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Mixed reviews on the hotline

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On the one hand, I like the "several people have already experienced your problem, would you like to review the reports?" on the other hand I dont like the fact that you cant argue with the person on the other end of the computer instantly like you can on the phone.




:readthis:  :banghead:  :readthis: ????????.......... :banghead:

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You are not the only one.I, myself had to respond back  to hotline in CAPS letter so they can understand what I typed in first place.Anyway, how in the world can we identify paint marking on engine block when the vehicle is more than 10 years old and rusted! Show me one engine block that is over 10 years old has original paint job on engine block, especially in northeast of USA!

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Make sure some winkie didn't change the oil and forget to drain it first.


Been there done that on a mustang. Got stick handled to me after a couple other guys had a poke at it. Ta da. Twice as much oil as spec.

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When our Windstar had a vibration after a reman trans install, it was RPM dependent. It would do it in forward or reverse, running it on the hoist made no difference. Putting in another reman trans solved the problem, which I am certain was in the torque converter.


My guess on yours is an issue with a motor mount, check the rear engine one. Did you happen to try jacking around on the engine and see if the vibration changes?

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  On 8/17/2014 at 2:14 AM, Aaron said:

He said he isolated all the mounts in his hotline contact. :)

My bad, I guess I took that to be the same as neutralizing the engine and exhaust. I would think a balance shaft issue would be 2x engine RPM's?What does the MP_LRN pid read or what would happen if the KAM was cleared and then recheck power balance and RC? I will say I do not like trying to make an engine that is running like crap relearn crank variation, so clearing the KAM may not be a good idea.
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I think the point of this topic is the fact that the Hot-Line "engineers" FREQUENTLY come across a not having thoroughly read or comprehended what was submitted to them. I myself have read Hot-Line responces to my requests with utter amazement in that it is almost as if they are responding to a toally different request. At this point I avoid the hot-Line if at all possible.In an interesting related posting by Ford on the PTS website "what's New" section from may...

  Ford Motor Company said:

May 19 2014 Survey - Competitive Automaker's HotlineHave you contacted one of our competitors technical service hotline / contact centers (e.g. General Motors) during the past year? If so, we would like to ask you a few questions about your most recent experience with their technical hotline/contact center. Click on the link above to complete the survey. Thank you!!

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  On 8/17/2014 at 12:21 PM, Keith Browning said:

I think the point of this topic is the fact that the Hot-Line "engineers" FREQUENTLY come across a not having thoroughly read or comprehended what was submitted to them. I myself have read Hot-Line responces to my requests with utter amazement in that it is almost as if they are responding to a toally different request. At this point I avoid the hot-Line if at all possible.In an interesting related posting by Ford on the PTS website "what's New" section from may...

  Ford Motor Company said:

May 19 2014 Survey - Competitive Automaker's HotlineHave you contacted one of our competitors technical service hotline / contact centers (e.g. General Motors) during the past year? If so, we would like to ask you a few questions about your most recent experience with their technical hotline/contact center. Click on the link above to complete the survey. Thank you!!

We just wanna help him diagnose it.
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Actually this thread was to poke fun at the hotline. I would have moved the topic over to engine side of things but the customer is going to send it to Windstar Heaven.


I threw that hotline report together rather hurriedly and it shows, but that's no reason for them not to read the darn thing before sending a reply that is so old, those flywheel/balancer issues took place in the mid 90's for friggs sake.

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I can't imagine some of the garbage those guys have to read through, I can understand the cut and paste responses though.  The other guy here types in some real garbage, I would be punching the computer screen if I was on the other side. 


Granted not all the time but usually when I'm hotlining something I have time to waste anyways.  Anymore I try to use them as a second opinion and as documentation for a big warranty claim.  It seems to help get stuff paid for.

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  On 8/18/2014 at 3:02 AM, Matt_Saunoras said:

...Anymore I try to use them as a second opinion and as documentation for a big warranty claim.  It seems to help get stuff paid for.

Nailed it. I am sure this would piss them off to hear as it could be considered wasting their time. I will say that they are good for providing answers or specifications that I cant seem to find in the service literature.
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  On 8/18/2014 at 10:03 AM, Keith Browning said:


  On 8/18/2014 at 3:02 AM, Matt_Saunoras said:

...Anymore I try to use them as a second opinion and as documentation for a big warranty claim.  It seems to help get stuff paid for.

Nailed it. I am sure this would piss them off to hear as it could be considered wasting their time. I will say that they are good for providing answers or specifications that I cant seem to find in the service literature.


you said it.jpg

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  • 11 months later...

First off, let me apologize for digging this one up from the grave, but I noticed it and couldn't help but respond as I basically do the same thing currently for an Ag manufacturer. What can I say, a desk job was just too tempting.

  On 8/18/2014 at 3:02 AM, Matt Saunoras said:

I can't imagine some of the garbage those guys have to read through, I can understand the cut and paste responses though. The other guy here types in some real garbage, I would be punching the computer screen if I was on the other side.

Nailed it.I've been the guy to write a response like the original post more then once, but honestly, with some of the stuff we have to sift through, it's going to happen. Between The "Your stuff sucks, fix it for me" guys and the "They're only a phone call/email away" anti-training dealers, theres times we get pretty good at second guessing everything were told.I can only imagine it's that much worse with the volume of dealers Ford has.At the end of the day, some are better then others, and we do want to help, but there's only so much you can do remotely. I'm never happy when I realize I wrote/said something stupid.
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