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MLS vs Composite head gasket swap out?

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I picked up a 2000 Focus with the 2.0 SOHC motor a while back for a more efficient daily driver. While out a few weeks ago I noticed the coolant smell and after tearing it down proceeded to find the water pump had been leaking and head gasket blew. Check the head and could see daylight under a straightedge so thats beyond saving(takes too long to ship stuff to a machine shop here to deck it usually, so I'm looking at reman heads right now to also beat the intake seat issues) but the block even has a little bit of warpage, more than the MLS gaskets call for. I'm wondering if anyone has thought about or installed the 99-older composite gaskets from the same motors into the newer vehicles as it should compensate for the warp. As far as I can see physically, the gasket layout is the same, as well as torque specs and head bolts so I don't see why it cant work, just tryin to get some feedback on this thought since I'm not looking to turn this into a money pit by pulling the engine for machine work or replacing the engine at this point if I can help it.

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I haven't found anyone that lists composite gaskets for the newer engines, maybe my google skills are just going down, but none of the major manufacturers have listed an alternate that I could find. The random thought had just popped into my head last night of the older engines have a bigger warp tolerance so I compared the MLS gasket to a picture of the older composite online, and looked up a few associated parts to see if they were shared between the years with the gasket change. I'm going to order a early style gasket this afternoon to compare and if it lines up it definately will be an option I consider trying, at least its not hard to pull a head out of these cars if I have to do it again.

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