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Ford is watching!!!??

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My dealership just got pulled into a warranty audit and in the review of what we did wrong they said some of the ROs they pulled had TSBs performed for codes that weren't present in the vehicle? How do they know this you wonder? Come to find out that they can pull the IDS log on any vehicle by the VIN from a database they keep. So just thought you guys might want to know this. I know I found it to be very enlightening. I kind of wondered when this day would come.


Oh and the audit ended up costing us about $60k in what they caught. A lot of this was fraudulent practices by management having non certified techs doing repairs and then putting a certified techs number on it to run it through, the rest was piddly shit like "excessive clock times"? or "under clock times"(I thought we were commission so why do clock times matter), "miles out" and "applicable TSBs that were not used". As usual it's always the techs fault and management can do no wrong.


Personally I think we got off light. The way this place is run you'd think everything was warrantable.

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That's okay. Did anyone catch the post on the FMC boards about the 126 report going away at the end of this year? Dealers are going to be subject to "random" audits rather than a 4 stage warranty counseling process.

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None of this should come as a new idea. There have been comment made all over these forums about Ford collecting data and I suspect it has been going on for a while.  Your IDS log files? Easy to collect.  As for audits. I think they should be mandatory. There are dealerships that are Robbing Ford blind.

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Ya, well I'm sick of being robbed blind by Ford. The labor times are pretty much just a straight raping anymore. Very seldom do I find myself on the right end of that stick. :twack:

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  On 6/18/2015 at 5:23 PM, nelsona19 said:

Ya, well I'm sick of being robbed blind by Ford. The labor times are pretty much just a straight raping anymore. Very seldom do I find myself on the right end of that stick. :twack:

That's another story for another thread. 

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The 6.7 EGR cooler TSB comes to mind. Couldn't count how many coolers I've done and not one has ever set a P2457 KOER.


BUT if you didn't do the TSB for a P0401 and proceeded with normal diagnosis they'd kick the claim to the roof.

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The most recent one I did, set a P207F and the engine was in idle only derate. Did the pinpoint test and it passed. Ran a KOER self-test and retrieved P2457. Did an EGR cooler and claimed it using SLTS with my comments that the TSB was not used due to no P0401 set. The claim got paid.

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Its always a few people that have to make it a pain in the a** for everyone else. 1 or 2 techs drive up warranty cost, trying to claim ops

that have nothing to do with the diag or repair being made.

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Just mark my words. They will release nano-bots soon that will seek and find oil cooler and EGR cooler clogs and tunnel them clear. When they are done with that they will find any sites that leak oil and put their little nanobutts in the holes to stop the leaks. Warranty costs will plummet. Of course they will fire any nano-bots not punching the correct amount of time on the RO's. Zero tolerance for errant nano-bots.

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  On 6/16/2015 at 4:56 PM, Keith Browning said:

None of this should come as a new idea. There have been comment made all over these forums about Ford collecting data and I suspect it has been going on for a while.  Your IDS log files? Easy to collect.  As for audits. I think they should be mandatory. There are dealerships that are Robbing Ford blind.


I would say its no suprise they have been collecting data to process a claim. Alot of other manufactures already do this as normal practice


Another negative side to this is the effect it will have on the customers. I see the techs or advisors turing down customer complaints as NPF in fear of not getting paid for the diag unless its cut and dry.



Remember the warranty policy manual is your friend. Live by it and your claim will always get paid. However what management does without you knowing is another thing all together. They did not want to even let me see the policy manual let alone reference it.  I used to make copies of all my ROs, labor ops and diag/repair stories to back up my claim. It came in handy more then once after shit hit the fan and management tried to put the blame or pull hours from me.

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I wonder if you set your user type to "NON DEALER" on IDS if it would still send the tech logs.


Any way you cut it, if some of the shit I have been using IDS to do ever comes across the wrong eyes over there, I'd be fucked. LOL


If I was still at the dealer, that is.

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