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What's In Your Bay - Part VI

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Keith Browning

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  On 8/23/2016 at 11:46 PM, Matt Saunoras said:

Got a 14 6.7 pickup here that has grenaded the HPFP resulting in a large fuel leak from the valley and a no crank conditon.  I'm thinking fuel contamination for sure but I just can't put my finger on it.  The fuel in this truck is pretty cloudy, like a brownish yellow but I haven't found a drop of water or a spot of rust anywhere yet.   No WIF events in memory and I'm sure the original fuel filters were swapped out at the oh shit moment.  The fuel doesn't ignite and doesn't smell like gas but something about it doesn't smell right.



This fleet has constant fuel issues, I'm always finding metal in their 6.4s and 6.7s.  Found on multiple occasions fuel in the DEF tank.  I just can't nail this one down.   I want to say contamination

Does this fleet have their own tanks? If they do my guess fuel quality is the problem. This could be a fuel supplier issue or maybe they always top up thier tanks. Bad stuff will grow in diesel fuel tanks that are not properly maintained especially if it has bio in it. Could also be fuel additive.
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Had one blown up the other day same thing couldn't find anything wrong with fuel, no signs of water or rust anywhere but pump shattered.  Put samples in freezer and no issues.  Ended up going warranty but something had to go through it for that to happen.  Even bent the studs that hold the pump in.  Oh and the amount of metal was crazy through out the system.

pump blown1.jpeg

pump blown2.jpeg

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Yeah this thing has metal everywhere. I took a fuel sample from the tank and another from my own truck. My fuel is a little more yellow and clear, it's treated with plenty of additive.


Stuck both samples in the freezer and they're both behaving the same.

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The 2012 that blew the injector is now running after replacing the HPFP. Hotline stated when high pressure fuel drops below 500 PSI it is due to a catastrophic failure. Not this one. 

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Got me a nightmare building here, the 2012 F550 that blew the injector, then needed a HPFP, now has a slightly longer than normal crank time and sets P0087 on a road test with FRP_A 5000 PSI lower that FRP_A_CMD. Currently following PPT MA/M and am finding nothing wrong so far. All adaptives and IQA were reset and updated, PCM reprogrammed as well. 


Fixed it. After running all the tests, I removed the pressure control valve, rechecked for contamination-none still, installed the pressure control valve and its all good. 

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  On 8/26/2016 at 9:02 PM, guthr9 said:

Doing 6.4 driver side manifold right now with both rear bolts snapped off. Man I hate doing these.

The last one I did, I had to cut the horizontal cooler bracket off with the torch due to rust. I'll go a few steps further to say I HATE those damn engines PERIOD.

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I had 2 on the right side from a truck last week and finished the other one with the left manifold yesterday. Welding on the studs can be tricky, I kept on welding the broken stud to the head and would have to grind it back out and start over. Finally got it but my patients was running thin.

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2015 F350 6.7L-started taking it apart to do oil pan gasket and noticed the stain goes up to the crank pulley as well. Luckily I haven't removed the transmission yet. In the process of getting the balancer off to have a look at the crank seal just to be sure.


Removed the last upper oil pan bolt and it fell right out. Silicone hadn't adhered to the block.

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Man I am stumped with a 6.0 e-series school bus that's here.  Moderate acceleration it will hit 5th gear and just lose all boost.  EBP will drop a little and VGT goes from 45% to about 60ish trying to regain pressure.  Everything looks good pid wise and no codes.  It will not boost again until you stop and accelerate though the shifts again.  It's not always 5th but it seems to happen right after an upshift.  EGR valve position never varies much from desired so I don't believe it's a valve sticking open.  It never dies or stumbles just falls on it's face.  Fuel pressure is great the whole time. 


Found the VGT solenoid wiring all hacked up and had a 7.3 injector connector wired in.  Wired in a new connector, made sure my wire colors matched pin position, swapped in a known good VGT solenoid.  No change.  Checked the MAP with regulated air to make sure it was reading correctly.  Ran the turbo boost and EGR KOER tests and both passed great.


The weird part is when this happens MAP goes lower than atmosphere.  Say my MAP was reading 1.2v KOEO, when the engine is under load and not boosting my MAP was reading .84v like it's pulling a vacuum.  The only restriction in the intake would be the turbo but how could it just stop spinning or slow down so much as to cause that. 

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Nothing in front of the air box intake? I had a 7.3L with very similar symptoms that turned out to be a piece of plastic that would block the air inlet horn once you got up to speed.


Right exhaust manifold on 2010 F150, 5.4L. Only the rear upper stud broke off in the head and came out nicely with the mig and a stripped bolt remover.


Got a 2009 F350 lined up for HPFP cover gasket.

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You wouldn't believe what I found. I won't post it yet because I don't want to jinx myself but I'm going back together to see.


Nah that wasn't it. Found about a 4" long piece of plastic stuck in the intake duct right near the compressor wheel. You could see where the piece was getting hit by the wheel and the wheel has marks too. I have no idea what it is


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'14 6.7L coolant leak, this one didn't run me around like the Eco boost the I put the hose on first. Maybe Ford needs to change their coolant tank supplier? The fitting on the tank has a hairline crack in it. I have found that most times the crack will show clearly with camera, I tried to post a pic but for some reason the uploader does not like me. :shrug:

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