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Daily Observations - Part II

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Keith Browning

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We did one yesterday.  It was clear the nut was welded wrong once we got in there.  The one small spot that the weld did connect was cracked.  I was able to make a decent pass across the nut but welding the thin body metal back into place with the gap from a cutoff wheel was a little challenging. 

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  On 4/26/2016 at 4:53 PM, Matt Saunoras said:

Check out TSB 16-0021.  I don't believe I've ever seen a Ford TSB that requires welding.  Are we to believe any tech is capable of this repair?  I know for sure no one else in our shop could weld worth a shit if required to.


So I will assume you weren't around during the Aerostar sliding door stop days. That's where I learned to use a Mig welder.

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  On 4/28/2016 at 11:24 AM, Matt Saunoras said:

Nope I missed all the fun ones. Never worked on an Aerostar or even a Probe

Wow. I've worked on quite a few and I'm only a year older than you. And I've spent my entire career at dealerships too. Amazing what a difference a thousand miles can make.

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  On 4/30/2016 at 12:07 AM, Matt Saunoras said:

Yeah being in a smaller dealer I miss a lot plus I'm about 2 years behind everyone else my age. When I was in asset most guys were right out of high school and I had already been in school 2 years.


I'm at a small dealer too. We only got 3 techs. The last aerostar I worked on had the gas tank fall out going down the road and the guy didn't notice until it rubbed through and drained all the gas out, It came back in for something else shortly after that and he had reached underneath with a can of john deere green and spray painted what he could reach without crawling underneath too far.

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Can someone explain to me how a stretched timing chain can affect at which pressure a wastegate will open? Hotline seems to think it will.


Comment From: Ford   Comment Date: May 04 2016 17:21:33

It is possible for the chain issue to be the source of both fault codes. It is recommended to perform TSB
TSB 15-0044 first and re-evaluate the vehicle.

If the P0299 returns, re-perform TSB TSB 16-0013 as test results may have changed with the timing chain replacement.


And from TSB 16-0013:


  1. Check the engine build date. Refer to Workshop Manual (WSM) 303-01. Was the engine built on or before 2/28/2015?
    1. Yes - proceed to Step 2.
    1. No - this article does not apply. Refer to Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual for normal diagnostics.
  1. Disconnect the hose at the turbocharger wastegate actuator.
  1. Connect a cooling system pressure tester with a pressure gauge to the turbocharger wastegate actuator.
  1. Slowly apply increasing pressure while monitoring the wastegate actuator rod. The rod should begin to extend at 21-62 kPa (3-9 PSI) and be fully extended at 83-131 kPa (12-19 PSI). The turbocharger wastegate shaft and arm should move smoothly from closed to fully open. Does the turbocharger wastegate actuator and wastegate operate smoothly through the complete range?
    1. Yes - this article does not apply. Refer to PC/ED manual for normal diagnostics.
    1. No - replace the affected turbocharger. Refer to WSM, Section 303-04.
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I can't explain how, but I have had them come In with p0016 and boost codes.  If the wastegates are not seized, the chain usually fixes them. They will also set rich mixture bank 1 codes with a stretched chain. If I have unexplained mixture or boost codes without p0016, we pull the bank 1 valve cover to inspect the tensioner protrusion. Monitoring the cam timing PIDS does not seem to always be an accurate way of determining the state of the chain and 0016 may not be present.

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It does seem to be the default response from hotline on every 3.5 that has any drive ability concern. The last one I had was a no power only code p0016. The other ones had only check engine lights, drove fine.  One had p0016 along with some vct codes. All fixed with new primary chain.  

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I would think it has more to do with valve timing affecting the turbo's ability to make boost, and not how the waste gate works.  Kind of like how a diesel with low compression would set a boost low boost code, first thing to check is the turbo controls, if those pass you go after the engine.

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If you send raw fuel into the cats on a gasser the vehicle will eventually not run, if you don't send raw fuel into the cat on a diesel it will eventually not run.


It's a topsy-turvy world we live in.

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When 6.0 jobs go bad:



Headgaskets turned into cracked heads. It was a sublet from another shop. Apparently the other shop didn't tell the guy how much heads were in advance. I got to slap it back together enough to get it outside.

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  • 3 weeks later...

5 minutes I will never get back...


Advisor: I have a customer with a 2010 that recently had the engine replaced somewhere, not here. It also has 2 new turbos, not sure who's turbos, and it has a Bank's system on it. He is complaining of lots of black smoke and a loud hissing noise on acceleration. 


Me:  :surprise: ...... :chinrub2: ...... :haha2: ....... :crazy: .....I can most likely get rid of the black smoke but the noise is there to stay. 


20 minutes later.....


Advisor: It's (insert name here because I don't know who the guy is but it's supposed to be a good customer...what ever..) truck..remember him?


Me: Ahhhh...no.


Advisor: He thinks it needs injectors....But the truck isn't here yet.


Me: Well when it gets here we should do a proper diagnosis first then. 

Edited by lmorris
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  On 6/7/2016 at 1:07 PM, Brad Clayton said:

P207F is the equivalent of a small evap leak code for gassers.  :puke:

The evap leak usually pays better only because it takes less time to diag....now if your talking about running monitors well they both suck.


 I would personally would rather do any type of diag stuff then the dirty jobs involved in vehicle repair...e.g. oil changes, a filthy 6.4 that decides to fill the exhaust with oil, internal engine repairs, brakes..... 

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At some point in time there was a group of automotive engineers who were mad at the world and especially hated automotive technicians. Well this group of vile, conniving, mean spirited individuals were having their weekly breakfast get together at the local IHOP and were especially soured this particular morning. One proposed the question of how to really fuck over them damn mechanics whom for some reason they all loathed immensely. They sat there and pondered the idea and came up with..........the Transit.


Thanks Ford (mumbles obscenities under breathe).

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  On 6/1/2016 at 4:08 PM, lmorris said:

5 minutes I will never get back...


Advisor: I have a customer with a 2010 that recently had the engine replaced somewhere, not here. It also has 2 new turbos, not sure who's turbos, and it has a Bank's system on it. He is complaining of lots of black smoke and a loud hissing noise on acceleration. 


Me:  :surprise: ...... :chinrub2: ...... :haha2: ....... :crazy: .....I can most likely get rid of the black smoke but the noise is there to stay. 


20 minutes later.....


Advisor: It's (insert name here because I don't know who the guy is but it's supposed to be a good customer...what ever..) truck..remember him?


Me: Ahhhh...no.


Advisor: He thinks it needs injectors....But the truck isn't here yet.


Me: Well when it gets here we should do a proper diagnosis first then. 

Well...the 2010 with the Banks system never showed up.


The injector comment was a completely different customer with a 2005 F350....It didn't really NEED injectors, had a bit of a stumble on cold start that I couldn't pin down to any specific cylinder, but ran awesome hot, plus the front end tech estimated a bunch of work, total bill was over $7000. It is currently collecting dust outside. 

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In the same week we get this,


There is something wrong with my truck it doesn't smoke black when I floor it.

(It's a  6.7 just bought, had a 7.3 with a programmer etc.previously)


There is something wrong with my truck it has a little puff of black smoke when I floor it.

(It's a 6.0 with 200,000 )

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