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Daily Observations - Part II

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Keith Browning

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It is never a good idea to cut open empty drums.....This is what happened when someone was trying out their new plasma cutter & didn't take notice to the flame symbol on the side of that empty lacquer barrel. The barrel had some steel pieces sitting on top one piece got stuck in the ceiling.





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Oh boy. Steel bars shot into the ceiling is impressive.


It makes the garbage can I set on fire the other day look like a regular walk in the park! (I did a front cover reseal on a 3.7 in the morning. Somewhere around 9 am I cleaned the thing with brake cleaner over the garbage. At the end of the day around 4 or 5 I was cutting a rusted u-joint out of a prop shaft with the torches and shot some sparks over the top of the bench toward the can ... fun times!)

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Yeah I did not post the pics until I knew the guy was going to be alright. It was amazing the size of the hole made by the plasma cutter was very small...I think that is what that mark is to the left of the lower plug.

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Expecting a tech to put fuel in a vehicle in order to work on it is like thinking the doctor should drive the ambulance.


The 2 most commonly used tactics @ my shop when this occurs is...Customer you have just purchased some very expensive fuel or I will run it till it quits... you better show up with a gas jug :haha2:

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  On 12/14/2016 at 8:19 PM, lmorris said:

Over 25 years in the business and it still baffles me that customers bring in vehicles for driveabilty issues and the dash show 20 KM to empty.


Unless the fuel tank has to come out then the damn thing is full!

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I get a lot of low def complaints when the customer tries to add a gallon and expects the message to clear. You wouldn't believe how many people make an appointment and never show up because once they finally listen to me and fill it up the message goes away in a few key cycles.


I have only changed one heater/sending unit for an actual sending unit concern.

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I run in to the same thing all the time. I have had 1 or 2 that would not reset after filling and had to do the refill activation procedure. Only had to replace one so far for a legitimate sending unit failure, I've probably replaced close to 20 for heater failures.

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:chinrub2:  :confused: Reading up on the service procedure to replaced catalytic converter on a 2013 Escape SE AWD 1.6L turbo.....Step 3:remove PTU if equipped....go over to PTU removal..step 2(before removing PTU)...Remove catalytic converter.  :whattodo: I'm going to be caught in a WSM loop, what to do?


And if that's not messed up enough..I was searching the web for said catalytic converter, Magna flow makes one for the 2L but not the 1.6L. You can get them on E-bay and Amazon, from US based Ford dealerships, for $587-$689 US....I just ordered one from my parts guy for...drum roll, $255 Canadian...WTF... :haha2:

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Observation---Automotive equations.


New tech + Penetrating fluid+ Shop rag + Rusted wheel bearing + small butane torch = Large Fire Ball


New tech + Detail shop tech + fire + Smart phone =  Two guys watching fire ball and making video

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Another "Ever since you.." moment brought to you by the folks with the 2008 F350 6.4L that I replaced the fuel system on over 5000 KM's ago.


"We just spent $9000 on this truck and it has an oil leak from the front cover"

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  On 12/30/2016 at 12:51 AM, Matt Saunoras said:

The part of my brain that's supposed to remember to disconnect the suppression strap on a 6.0 right head before cab removal is missing.

Nothing that solder and shrink wrap won't fix.

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  On 12/30/2016 at 1:49 AM, mchan68 said:


  On 12/30/2016 at 12:51 AM, Matt Saunoras said:

The part of my brain that's supposed to remember to disconnect the suppression strap on a 6.0 right head before cab removal is missing.

Nothing that solder and shrink wrap won't fix.


Been there!  :facepalm:


Including a few of the under side frame to cab ones. 

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