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94 e 350 7.3 fuel leak and no start

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Pulled the dog house on this on and line at left treat of engine leaking fuel. I think maybe this is a return line. Seemed a while back We got a set of fuel injector return lines which had a name. Also the flow plug module platic at the bottom is turning in to goo maybe from the fuel. I drove it for what was a trans shift concern, but it starting surging and barely made back to dealer and cut off and now a no start.we maybe have a working ngs. No turn signals ,wipers don't work and and light on with no speedometer. Thinking maybe that's a diff speed sensor. More fun for me!

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the fuel leak appears to be from a a hose on the left back side of the block as viewed with the doghouse off. Is this a return line. I have heard of air intrustion causing no starts.is there a name for the fuel line return kit and if so does it include this line? I have little experience on older 7.3 engines with mechanical injector pumps. Any help apprieciated

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Return line kit.

Dipaco makes some kits for the IDI's. They come complete, Hose, Caps, O-rings and clamps.

I keep 1 in stock as I have a couple of IDI's and I service a few.



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All hardware stores and Home Depot have vinyl hose on the shelf from 1/16" through 1 inch or bigger, $10-20 will get you a couple of feet of each size.  Vinyl holds up for a while but will turn very hard and yellow with age. For short term testing it's fine.



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