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P207F Third SCR System Replace?

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Well gents,

It looks as though my nightmare 2014 F-250 in the thread title above is in need of it's THIRD SCR system. Just a little quick background. The first SCR system replace was done on November 13, 2015 at 38354 miles. The second failure and subsequent replacement occurred on May 11, 2017 at 57726 miles at which time he was well out of warranty, but somehow or other our manager managed to get it goodwilled. Now, at 75875 miles it appears to be due for its third replacement, according to pinpoint tests RD19 through RD26 test results. Anybody else out there have seen similar situations? It should be noted, this vehicle does not leak or lose coolant. It does not run hot, nor are there any other base engine issues present. The customer has FMPP, so we do his DEF refills and there hasn't been any other customers' vehicles that have come back with this. Perhaps I'm just looking for some suggestions that my manager can pass along to the customer as to why his usage of this vehicle produces excessive NOx emissions, enough to need this many exhaust system replacements. My manager has already asked if we can do an SCR delete for the customer. Vehicle in question has 6209 total hours and 2131 idle hours. BTW, what's your protocol for retail labour when it comes to diagnosing P207F? Surely the base one hour labour can't possibly even come close to sufficing.

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This customer isn't putting anything in his fuel tank that is not supposed to be in there is he? Three after treatment systems in fairly short order means something is going on so what else is there if you have eliminated everything else? People put all kinds of crap in the tank to "aid lubricity" like ATF, 2 stroke oil and who knows what else. And when it comes to that... a little is good but a lot must be better for some people.

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Ditto on what Keith said and ask him more about where he fuels, also. Have you taken a fuel sample and let it sit in a glass jar?  Put it in the freezer overnight and see if it clouds up. 12.2 MPH average is probably part of his problem, along with 35 miles per idle hour.  Other than that, I can't offer any help.


Good Luck!



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I look after 3 buses that drive from  hotel to hotel to pick up passengers. All are within short distances. 

All 3 have had exhaust systems replaced. All 3 still set 207F codes once in a while. 

The only thing that fixes them for a period of time is to do a dynamic regen. Then do the scr drive cycle. Drive it until the NOX_EVAL pid shows "yes". After that, the mode 6 nox coversion effiencey is about 80 to 90%, which is good. I then let the buses go. They usually come back after about 10,000 to  15,000 miles with the same code. I just repeat the regen and drive cycle and charge them 4 hours retail. 


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