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Off to school...

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I started the course today. Nothing too exciting yet since we have seen a lot of the information already. I did remove the turbo assembly and partially disassemble it. I also got to hear it run for several hours during our work station sessions. DEFINITELY quieter and that sharp cracking wound is gone. No "BRRRAAAP" when starting either. The engine in the truck looks a lot different in person.


Oh, my day started out with the brakes failing on my Taurus which made an hour and a half late. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif At least I didn't hit anything or anyONE. I had to wait for a flatbed to take me and my car to the dealer where they gave me a new Freestyle to drive. That CVT trans is weird!

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That CVT trans is also $6,000!!!!!


They've actually been very problem-free, considering the amount of them out there and how new they are. But they're also very expensive, too expensive for Ford to continue putting in that vehicle at that price. So, the CVT was a great idea, well executed, that just won't be around anymore.


But enough of that. I plan on the brake likes in my '97 Town Car to !@#!?$! out on me on my way to school tomorrow.



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