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Late 2004 6.0 hick-ups while driving

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I've been fighting this one for a year now, luckily he is a good customer. It has the typical hick up going down the road where the PCM shuts down for less than a second and the water in fuel and glow plug lights come on and prove out and the cruise turns off and has to be turned back on to work. The only thing different about this one than all the others I've had doing this is that sometimes when starting it after sitting overnight it takes three try's before it will start or if it starts it will die when put in gear. When I have the IDS hooked up monitoring PIDS and try to start it and it doesn't start I loose communication but when I release the key it comes back until I try to start it again and this will happen three times when it's acting up.

I replaced the ignition switch, PCM relay, and an engine harness that came with the injector harness last summer. Last fall I replaced the aftermarket FICM he had on it in case it was doing something weird and it stopped acting up all winter. Now it started doing it again and more often and now it's setting codes P2614, P2617, P0299, before it wouldn't set any codes. Now I'm unhooking every VREF sensor one at a time and testing it but sometimes it won't do it for two or three days so this is a long process.

Every truck that I've had that hick ups going down the road an engine harness fixed them but this one acts a little bit different. Has anyone seen this before? BTW, This truck only has 122,000 miles on and I've worked on it since it was new.

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  • 10 months later...

I had him take it to the dealer to get an FSE involved. They finally tracked it down to an injector harness and it's been 6 months with no issue. I've never had an injector harness causse this or know why it would.

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So the replacement harness was bad?

You stated in the first post,

I replaced the ignition switch, PCM relay, and an engine harness that came with the injector harness last summer. "

Injector harness failures I have seen ,when you push down on them, they ground to the intake 


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