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contemplating moving!

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If you were going to move anywhere in the country or even the continent where would you move to I'm being killed by NY taxes and the cost of living ,the wife and I are thinking about selling and moving. I just don't know where I want to live or what I want to do for a living if I can escape the wrench turning black hole...
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Here in Western Washington the economy is fairly strong, so it seems like jobs are relatively plentiful. Shops still get slow periods but for the most part work is pretty steady. However, depending on who is calculating, we are supposed to be between the third and sixth highest taxed state. We don't have income tax but sales tax is near 9% (varies by locality), fuel tax third highest (as I recall) and property taxes high.


Depending on which "expert" is talking we either have over-valued property that is going to crash with any small hiccup in the local economy, or real estate is a great investment and will keep increasing no matter what.


I grew up in central PA but have lived on the west coast for 30+ years. I love seeing the farms and woods when I go back to visit but I sure do not miss the hot humid summers and cold snowy winters. Although we get a fair amount of rain I have never been bothered by the weather here. Everything stays green, lots of trees and streams. If you are a "sun person" it would probably not be for you.


If I didn't need to make money I would consider the Idaho pan-handle. I believe the taxes are fair, people leave you alone, and the scenery is beautiful. But I think it's a bit harder to make good money there.


Good luck!

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NY is at Number 2


we have an 8.6XX% sales tax, an effective tax rate of between 13-15%, a few local government officials that can be the poster children for corrupt city government,other local town get a gold mine given to them and it sits costing tons of money due to all the NIMBY's (not in my back yard) that buy a house next to a drag strip that been there since the 50's and then !@#!?$! about the noise till it's dug up an condo's are built ,my property taxes are about 10k per year from which I receive little back I don't have my garbage picked up curb side I need a permit sticker($15) to use the "dump" to take my trash myself in the town required yellow bags at $2.00 each, a $15 parking permit to use the beaches, boat ramp permit $?, gas near $3.00 per gal diesel fuel presently at $2.98 per gal, ok NOW i'm getting mad and will have to finish this rant later......

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OUCH! OK, our taxes aren't that bad compared to that situation.


We had a similar thing happen here with the nearest race track. They had developed it into a pretty nice facility over the years, with drag and road courses and some off-road tracks (moto-X and I think maybe an oval). Of course urban sprawl finally surrounded it and the newer residents started to think about how annoying that racing noise was on the weekends. So they started a movement to stop the racing that gained enough momentum to be a real threat to the track. That's when the track owners said "OK, this property is actually licensed as a mine, and as it happens there is enough demand for gravel that we could be mining and running trucks out of here 24/7. Do you still want us to stop racing?"... We still have a race track.

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we had Freeport (circletrack), Islip(circletrack) , Bridgehampton(road track),National Speedway(dragstrip), and Westhampton(Dragstrip) all closed in my lifetime. we have one dump of a 1/4 mile circle track that will be gone as soon as someone will offer the right money for the land....

At one time LI N.Y. had 40 racetracks all but one of those noisy racetracks are gone in there place are much needed luxury houses and golf courses thank god. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whattodo.gif

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Michigan is pretty cool, Great lakes surrounding us, tons of inland lakes, M.I.S., all the different seasons depending on what you like to do. Boating,snowmobiling,biking,drag racing,camping,fishing and so on.... The only down side is how bad our Governor is messing up the state.

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  • 1 month later...

Lessee.... If I was to move anywhere I wanted.... hmmmmm - well there is this little town in northern Alberta.... Nice place - good hunting and fishing - wonderful people - especially this old guy that works for the Ford dealer.....

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  Jim Warman said:

Lessee.... If I was to move anywhere I wanted.... hmmmmm - well there is this little town in northern Alberta.... Nice place - good hunting and fishing - wonderful people - especially this old guy that works for the Ford dealer.....

Take me!! Take me!!

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That about discribes it. All those people are not moving to arizona and screwing up my wonderful state /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a U.S. citizen so no health care for me, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif I have a hard time converting .LBS and MPH to Kilos plus if I go to far north... who the hell wants to learn french!! I will take the beer /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif

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