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Dear Jim...

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Alex Bruene

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I get the brunt of it... but how about a full translation into Canadian English... or just English in general...


"Censorbot fodder.... S l T s aren't what they coul be. Tha enjunears R luckin fur wayz to cut thm evum moar. Sekrits is sekritz.. Jerk nazzer set a trend that wull bay hard to change."

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  AlexBruene said:

I get the brunt of it... but how about a full translation into Canadian English... or just English in general...

"Censorbot fodder.... S l T s aren't what they coul be. Tha enjunears R luckin fur wayz to cut thm evum moar. Sekrits is sekritz.. Jerk nazzer set a trend that wull bay hard to change."

A censorbot is a filter that wont allow certain words to be used

for example you cant use the word !@#!?$! here but you can use $hit.

Being that I'm a native New Yorker I can speak that language so I translated it for you./forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/readthis.gif

"SLTS's aren't what the could be. The engineers are looking for ways to cut them even more. Secrets are secrets ... Jack Nasser set a trend that will be hard to change"

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Right then... So, who is Jack Nasser, and what does "fodder" translate to/mean? I don't mean to be daft, but I thought it was a very funny post... Especially now that I am beginning to understand that Jerk Nazzer is a person... hmmm...

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I thought his name was "Jack The Knife."



  Jim Warman said:

"Censorbot fodder.... S l T s aren't what they coul be. Tha enjunears R luckin fur wayz to cut thm evum moar. Sekrits is sekritz.. Jerk nazzer set a trend that wull bay hard to change."

At first I thought this was the result of my friend Jim spending some quality time with Mr. Seagram... or maybe just a really bad case of fat fingers but then I realized that he is just as clever as a fox!

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Fodder is an old name for "cattle food".... And most anything I say, these days, is something that the censorbot seems to eat right up... If one of my posts isn't "taken under review" when I post it, it may soon get deleted, anyway.... And I'm not even a $hit disturber like many that were banned from the US counterpart to InFord.


Most Canadian techs seem to take little interest in what happens at the MotherCorp.... especially when it comes to upper management. Dirty Jack is the guy that we can thank the most for shrinking SLTS. His idea of cutting warranty costs was to pay less for them.


I'll bet that if I posted Allan Mullaly's name on InFord, nobody would know who he is nor would they wonder what airplanes have to do with trucks. But I'm sure the censorbot would perk his ears up....


I had something neat to say about the last time I posted the word "mother"... but I see Kieth fixed that /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

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  AlexBruene said:

Right then... So, who is Jack Nasser

I'm guessing your not along time ford guy huh?

Jacques Nasser(jerk nazzer , Jack the knife) was the CEO of Ford from Jan 0f 1999 to 10 of 2001 and is directly responsible for the poor state of the company now.

a few key facts courtesy of wikipeda.com...

Throughout Nasser's tenure, there were serious concerns about his abrupt, sometimes abrasive management style and treatment of subordinates. It has also been said that Nasser's tough business practices and hard-nosed manners unsettled and alienated Ford's supplier network, dealerships, and most notably, its employees. Nasser diverted most of management's attention to new initiatives and lost focus on the core business of making great automobiles, critics argue. He also implemented a controversial management performance review system that alienated and divided the management.

After leaving Ford, Nasser became a senior partner in One Equity Partners, a subsidiary of Bank One. After the bankruptcy of Polaroid Corporation and its eventual acquisition by One Equity, Mr. Nasser served as Polaroid's non-executive chairman and oversaw its restructuring from 2002 to 2005. Three and a half years after filing for Chapter 11, Polaroid was sold to Petters Group Worldwide for $426 million. Chairman Nasser and CEO J. Michael Pocock walked away with $12.8 million and $8.5 million, respectively. More than 4,000 retirees, meanwhile, received one-time checks for $47, and lost their medical and life insurance benefits.

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I didn't get Fodder either. But I laughed my ars off at that post. Keep up the good job Jim. That was awsome. I'm going to have to learn this new language because just like you I can never get past that darn censorbot.

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