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Diesel Time broadcast

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Jim Warman

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Several days ago, I finally had the chance to watch a rerun of the Diesel Time broadcast regarding the inductive heating strategy....


While it appeared that none of the on air participants prepared themselves for the event and everything about the broadcast (including the broadcast itself) was, at best, amatuerish.... I felt that the information was stated pretty clear - Now, I will admiot that I listened to it with the intention of being educated.... not with the intention of getting paid for a "course".


I listened to several minutes of the phone in questions... Does anyone else get the impression that there was a lot of guys watching that spent more effort using oxygen than they did listening?


Pogo Possum (you young guys missed this) once said "I have seen the enemy.... and he is us....".


Yes... my loving bride is watching !@#!?$! Garden TV again..... and I have too much time on my hands...


Special note to Kieth.... if things get real slow, I might make a post to see what words will make it by the censor..... like !@#!?$! milk.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/poke.gif

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  Jim Warman said:

Does anyone else get the impression that there was a lot of guys watching that spent more effort using oxygen than they did listening?


isnt that the norm for most people that call in? at least 90% anyway. there is only a couple good questions most of the time. Its pure comedy to listen to

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I have watched some of the taped broadcasts and find it painful. It's like watching the early auditions of American Idol. Ford should just pay actors to do the shows since they are so scripted anyway. There is some good info at times but the cost can be too dear.

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I watched one broadcast live, after about 15 min of guys calling in and asking the SAME GODDAMN QUESTION over and over I called in and asked, why do you keep answering the same question if the guys watched the program you covered it and you have answered it 5 times again can we move on? ....... I got disconnected /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif

I guess that why I fix them and not build them.

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I remember the technical glitches and the stammering, poorly prepared presentation as well.... Strange that they should require perfection from us yet deliver amatuerish efforts in return.


Buy I am equally amazed at what "our side" had to offer... The few minutes of the question period that I watched brought questions asking what had been stated in the presentation. It's like these guys had their sound turned down for the broadcast. These guys are a burr under my saddle.


I was reminded of that "deer in the headlights" look I get when I ask my guys if they checked OASIS.


I was self employed for more years than I care to remember. I worked for a string of independant shops... during all that time, I was constantly one document away from knowing the stuff I wanted or needed to know. Five years ago, I moved to my present dealership.... I see information layed out like a buffet supper.... but most everyone is gathered around the soup tureen and buns, not realizing the treats to be had along the way to the end.


Collectively, we need to give our heads a shake and we need to get those around us to give theirs a shake as well.... If we are to be treated with the respect we deserve, if we expect Ford to listen to our concerns regarding SLTs, if we desire resolution to a host of other concerns.... we need to act professionally, we need to use the resources we have.... and we need to listen carefully to and comment on the stammering, ill prepared pap we are given.


We can choose to look at this a a "job".... or we can choose to look at this as a "career".... Our choice will affect how the world looks at us individually and collectively. Some guys tell me I'm "lucky" to have the position I have (if you can call ?shop foreman? a position). There is NO luck involved....


I hope I'm not preaching to the choir...

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