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"The Heat Is On" 2007

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Keith Browning

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Cool! More money and I did not do too bad last time. Thank you Ford! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif



June 1, 2007


To: All Ford, Lincoln and Mercury Dealer Principals, Service Managers and Technicians

Subject: "The Heat Is On" 2007 Diesel and Lincoln Mercury Technician Spin-to-Win Incentive


Our recent Spin-to-Win programs - "The Heat is On" and "The Big Chill" - paid out over $1.8 million in cash and prizes to certified technicians for their dedication to our customers, proving that it pays to be certified. To continue recognizing the commitment and competency of our certified technicians we are pleased to announce "The Heat Is On" 2007 Certified Technician Spin-to-Win Program.



This incentive provides certified technicians with an opportunity to spin for cash and prizes for each warranty claim paid that includes one or more of the qualifying labor operations.


All Diesel Certified Technicians will qualify for spins based on 46 qualifying diesel labor operations (see Attachment IV)

All Certified Technicians repairing Lincoln/Mercury vehicles will qualify for spins based on the labor operations that are required for Shop Competency in any of the eight STST specialties. (See Attachment V)

The spin values range from $5.00 to $100.00. The award amounts can be redeemed for cash via the Genuine Rewards MasterCard. Details of how the Spin-to-Win program works are contained in Attachment I.



Three Grand Prize Drawings will be conducted during the course of the program, giving technicians who have redeemed spins the opportunity to win diagnostic equipment or paid 2-year leases on a 2008 Super Duty truck and a 2008 Lincoln MKX. Complete details for the Grand Prize Drawings are included in Attachment II.



We have a special recognition item in the works for all of those Specialty 51 certified technicians who:


Completed the new 6.4L web-based course by the deadline of March 31, 2007, and therefore had no lapse in their certification

Complete the new 6.4L classroom course by September 30, 2007

While September 30 is three months ahead of the deadline for the classroom course, we think you will enjoy the item we are putting together specially for those technicians who take early initiative. It would be a good idea to have your Service Manager or Training Coordinator course-request this class, so you can be sure to complete it in time. Details on the special recognition item will be released later this summer.




A list of Questions & Answers is included in Attachment III.

Additional questions about this incentive and the spin process should be directed to the Technical Hotline at 1-800-826-4694 (follow the menu prompts for Technical Training).

Complete details about the Genuine Rewards MasterCard can be found at FMCDealer.com/Parts & Service tab/Awards & Recognition/Genuine Rewards MasterCard Card.

Thank you again for your dedication and support of our vehicles, our customers and technical excellence. I hope that over the course of this incentive program you realize how much "it pays to be certified".



Darryl B. Hazel


Ford Customer Service Division


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yeah that was out last week, I dont see the link to spin yet tho. I assume its not officially open yet.


I made some money last time too. I like that program

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had four spins and made 70 bucks, not to bad. Then I remembered my card expires at the end of this month and I don't have a new one yet so I quit spinning. I remember last year they said if you don't use the money before the card expires you loose it. Has anybody else ran into this and when do we get our new cards?

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Quite frankly I'm not that happy because they dont include TSB's. Majority of our work is TSB related. Last year if u completed a damn diag guide you got one LoL. I spun once and got $25, but the rest are TSB's completed since everything is pretty much covered. Now dont get me wrong, a lot of the tsb's though are actual time, but still. Fordracer, Call and tell them that ure card is gonna expire, they will transfer everything to a new card, same number but new card, i think its a 10 credit charge, thats what i had to do.

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  Fordracer said:

After calling three different phone numbers I was told that when they try to put the money on my old card they will issue a new one.

Ahh, but do they roll over the money in the account? I am pretty sure that I was issued a new card a few months ago... my current card expires this month with about $60 on it. If I have to I will hit the RTTP or withdraw the cash.

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I recieved my new card yesterday and the money was on it. They never did put my newest winnings on the old card. There was only 16 cents left on the old card and it didn't transfer over.

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  • 4 weeks later...

got 105 dollers so far but had a 50 spin in the mix ,haven't got any the last two weeks though mostly tsb's and our warranty clerk left so i may be done for awhile while they reveiw the service managers claims turned in but it was fun anyhow

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