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SLTS for Cab-Off repairs are now published!!

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Wow, 5.9 - 6.1 hrs for cab removal and install based on cab style... not too shabby.


MANY of the operations claimed like turbo removal, intake gaskets, oil cooler, so on... mention that they MUST be claimed in addition to the base cab-off operation of 6007B.


However there is a little footnote mentioning that *all* repairs ARE possible with the cab ON the vehicle, and that straight-time will be how those operations get paid. (For example, if you have a vehicle with a bigass ladder rack and you can't pull the cab..)


Still, some of these operations look somewhat generous and I'm sure after a few cycles, could become pretty profitable if they become commonplace. I think the oil cooler paid like 6.6 in addition to the 6.1 cab R&R so that's over 12 hours just in labor, no diag time included.



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  DamageINC said:

Still, some of these operations look somewhat generous and I'm sure after a few cycles, could become pretty profitable if they become commonplace.

No, Ford will monitor the actual times and the claims and eventually come up with labor times. I am actually surprised that a there is no labor time with all of the financial problems they are having. I know claims are being scrutinized like never before. Never fear. I know we will get it in the end! I know it is unlike me to take the negative view but I am just going by what I see going on around me.

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