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Rate your parts department

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Answer each question with a 1 - 10 rating as you see fit


Has diesel engine parts in stock


Has what I need in stock


Has alot of bad inventory


Orders majority of parts from other dealers


Gets me the right parts most of the time


This post is just for fun. The parts department needs a good kick in the head every now and then. Plus we needed a new parts thread.

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i give us a round about 8,except for that sawed off runt of a parts guy we have. i dont know about you guys but why are parts guys so dam nasty? and cant handle more than 1 thing at a time. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boxing.gif we locked our guy in the bathroom with a F550 bumper against it.

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It's usually because were so frustrated because the parts managers are stocking less and less and we don't have what we need when we need it. Which in turn pisses you guy's off. My back counter guy and I do a end run around the manager and make fake special orders so that we have some of what we need. It helps a little bit but not enough.

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Diesel parts a 2 , when they look them up they have trouble finding some things even though I got the same part from the same guy 2 days ago.


Regular stock an 8


Bad inventory none


Dealer round up not an option in my area


Right parts a 10

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when they look them up they have trouble finding some things even though I got the same part from the same guy 2 days ago.

Have them use the Diesel Sales Reference Manual for engine parts. Its the best parts book hands down. All diesel engines used in F250-550, E250-550, Excursion, LCF, IDI, DI, DIT, 6.9, 7.3, 6.0, 6.4, 4.5. And better yet it has color pictures.

2007 - 2008 Diesel Sales Reference Manual
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I've found the best way, so far for me anyways, is to go into the parts department armed with a part number. MOST of the time makes things much less painful.

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Interesting topic.


I will forgo the rating of the questions because like our service departments, a parts department also encompasses a broad range of factors that will define its success. One exception though is that a parts department has a responsibility to stock a reasonable number of parts to support common repairs, and servicing. It should also be flexible enough to monitor the parts actually being used and ordered and adjust stocking as needed. Finally, a source for obtaining parts quickly is a must in this day and age. My observation is that Ford has improved access to parts in the depots but unfortunately, that does little good if a part is on backorder or is a vendor item. There seems to be a supply issue at times.


Now, I hope we all realize that a parts department is only as good as the people and the technology it employs. If you are having difficulties obtaining the right part, is it the counter person, computer system, Fords catalog or the management and or company policies? Don't forget fellas, it all starts with us. If we don't know what we want, don't have an OASIS printed out, cant copy tag numbers or trim codes correctly, don't know our right side from our left side then we are just asking for the wrong part.


Aren't we? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif


It seems to me that our problems here as usual fall back on people. Attitude, training, experience and communication are all required for a group of people to succeed. Sometimes, a little patience is needed. Find the problem area and "work on it."

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Don't forget about the service advisors, If they don't get the right info about the repair sometimes it gets us all screwed up. I always tell the new guy's that come in ask as many questions as possible. Kill me with info I like it.


OHNO60, as for clock springs I've had some but not a epidemic.

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Don't forget about the service Advisors

As recently as last week I was working on a truck with a repair order written for the wrong VIN. The customer has several Ford trucks that are in our system. I discovered the discrepancy while using IDS. This underscores the need to pay attention and be aware of what other people are doing. Simple mistake that could have caused big headaches!

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The fill rate for a dealer can be manipulated to death through the business system. Ive seen dealers that have 6 million in inventory and a true 98%. They are rare, rare indeed. Both the 6 mil in inventory and a true 98%.


Ford fill rate however is somewhat BS also. D98....anyone ever heard of that? A D99 is a real back order such as 03 60 turbos. D98....Its the imaginary HVC. It keeps the fill rate up for them.

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  Keith Browning said:

What exactly does "fill rate" mean?

I will assume that he is refering to the IMA (Inventory Management Allowance) Off-the-Shelf Fill Rate that Ford measures dealers on. This is a worthless system and EASILY manipulated as stated earlier.


It is the percentage that a normal stocking part is sold off the shelf from a stock order vs an emergency order. Easy way around it is to receipt everything as a stock order.

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I am very pleased with my parts dept.


When I started diesel was of not much concern, I believe this was due to the manager at the time, however the guy running the tech counter understood my frustration and started to carry what I needed.


He is now the manager and a former tech is running the counter and also understands where we are coming from.


I really have no complaints.

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  • 3 months later...

Less painfull but I blame the Parts Manager and anybody else up the ladder for not having the basic tools to run the dept.


Me I'm the exception, yes I'm full of it but I can be, being that I try to learn as much as I can about parts and service to be a well rounded parts guy.


I actually enjoy helping out, and especially enjoy knowing more than the guy's I work with.


Nothing better than the Parts Manager not knowing what a truck needs, big pat on the back and make my day.


Hurray for me finally. Didn't realize that until I left the dealer and have the guy's I worked with calling me for info on a lot of things.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Comunicate better with your back counter guy and things would/should be better, if your back counter guy can get the parts needed for the shop. You can always work around the system, Re: have your back counter guy order parts for a imaginary customer, worked well for us!!! And the best part of it the Manager/Monger didn't know any different!!!


Try it see if if it helps!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif

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We have two extremely knowledgable and excellent partsmen and one extremely useless piece of crap parts manager (monger). He is nothing more than an oxygen thief. He is as useless as t!ts on a boar, as useless as a bull with no nuts, is as usefull as Mr. Bobbit, well you get the hint. Our Parts manager does nothing but sit in his office every damned day and surf ebay and make sure that the parts are marked up so high that no one will come in and buy at the front counter. He is always sending parts back to keep our inventory down. Everyone in our dealership except the D.P. can not stand him. Luckily, both of our partsmen find ways around it. Together, they both run the department. Our parts manager will be retiring in the next few years and we already know that our front counter guy is going to be the next manager. This has come out in shop meetings with our D.P. It just can't happen soon enough.


Our back counter guy is a great old crusty grump that has so much knowledge, it is unfreakin believable. I get along with him great and a have a ton of respect for him. We camp together and go Quaddding in the mountains together. He is 60, but parties and chases women like he is 30. You should see the crazy ole bugger ride his Grizzly 660. He used to own his own Ford dealership, farmed, and ran a John Deere dealership. He would be a great parts manager, but he just doesn't want the headache.


Our front counter guy used to own his own tow truck company, builds customized old trucks like a 1949 KB-7 International on a Superduty chasis with a Dodge 5.9L cummins and Dodge tranny in it. Both of our partsmen are gear heads each in their own ways and have an amazing amount of knowledge between the two of them.


Therfore, If we didn't have deadwood floating around our dealership I would rate our parts department as a 10 out of 10. But because we have this dead weight draging them down, I give them a 9.5 out of 10 because they dance so many circles around this invilid that he doesn't even know what is going on and almost doesn't matter.

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It is an hassle everytime i walk into parts because im 23, and the 45+yr old parts guys think i dont know anything etc etc, so we argue a lot. I can't stand the price's our parts guys charge its rediculous. Me and the other diesel tech realized that "big companies" with a lot of money get different prices from our parts guys then normal guys. I think thats wrong, and its a losing battle with the money hungry parts manager. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boxing.gif


Our guys think they know everything, they NEVER order parts wrong, they always blame us.


I gave a part number for a engine harness to the parts guy, he ordered the wrong one, blamed me, and it wasnt even the same basic number.


i'm starting to think my time at this dealership is almost up /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif

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We have two extremely knowledgable and excellent partsmen and one extremely useless piece of crap parts manager (monger).
This seems to be the ongoing concensus from dealer to dealer.

Mind you that I was in management a long time ago, and didn't enjoy it one bit. But I was saved and had my labotomy reversed. The manager(monger) is and always will be pretty much a yes boy to the DP's. I'm nobodies bitch and refuse to be. I just try to do the best I can and if it involves getting dirty under,over or in the trucks than so be it. I actually like to be out in the shop better than in the parts dept. at least the techs I deal with appreciate it when I am out there asking questions and wanting to see what they are talking about. I think it makes for a better working relationship between us.

If I order the wrong parts of which we all do at sometime, I'm only human and will do that. But I am the first one to admit I fucked up!!
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