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Beware IDS version 66

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We updated our IDS's to 66. When we went to use our VDR's it asked to update them and we did, now the VDR's are dead. Ford finally admited that they will work if we go back to version 64 but they wouldn't admit there is a problem with 66. How are we supposed to go back to 64? I have three VDR's of my own and they work with 66 but I didn't update them either. Now the shop is using mine untill they get there's fixed or they will have to buy some of mine.

We own a Quality Care center on the other side of town and they said when they updated to 66 two VCM's stopped working. The shop foreman looked on the message board and I guess alot of people are having VCM problems with 66.

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Did you try the vcm recovery utility?


You have to power the vcm externally, do not connect to a vehicle. Go to run, then type in clearvcmutil. A recovery screen will come up, press enter to begin and it will re-load the vcm software. If you want to go back to an earlier ids version, reload ids with an old disc the run the recovery utility. Has worked for me in the past.

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No concerns with two VCMs for sure... I'm pretty sure Dwayne will have updated his VCM and I keep forgetting to ask Kyle... VDR is currently "out" so I wont know for a while about that...


I prefer to download and then install rather than install online.

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Is the VDR the only known issue with version 66? couldn't identify a 2011 Super Duty today and decided to use the update since I hadn't in 23 days... i loaded an update to version 65 and renders my IDS software completely unusable. I brought that laptop home to remove IDS altogether and install 66 clean.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is the VDR the only known issue with version 66? couldn't identify a 2011 Super Duty today and decided to use the update since I hadn't in 23 days... i loaded an update to version 65 and renders my IDS software completely unusable. I brought that laptop home to remove IDS altogether and install 66 clean.

They gave us a tear tag number to use for version 65 in school that will let you ID the vehicle, I don't have it handy right at the moment but can get it later at work if anyoine needs it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got our VDR back today... it had been set up using B65. B66 reported that the VDR had no recordings on it even though there were three.


Here is the reply I received from TIS... "If the VDR was setup with IDS 65 first then yes this is a known concern. The only way to view the VDR recording is with IDS 65 if this is the case.

IDS 67 is coming out soon, so you have a couple of options depending on how important the recordings are for you:

1. If you do not care about the current VDR recordings then all you have to do is setup the VDR using IDS 66, this will delete any recording on the VDR but will allow you to upload new recordings.

2. If these recording are of utmost importance then you can send your VDR system to us, we'll extract the recordings for you."


As it turns out, Dwayne was still at B65 and I simply uploaded the VDR to his laptop and copied my data over to the IDS I usually use.

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It's a blessing that I was still at IDS level 65, because I had actually tried to update my IDS to 66. But My IDS locked up tighter than a Nun's HMMMM HHHMMMMMM when I was installing 66. So I had to do a hard reboot on my laptop and it was still at 65 when I rebooted. And with all that I read about 66 on Protech and on here on DTS, I decided that 65 was just fine. Funny how things like that happen.

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Our VCM bit the dust when IDS 66 was installed.Had to order a reman unit which is around 600 bucks through snap on with your old unit turned in as a core.New unit fired right up on 66.

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Just an addendum... IDS 67 has been available for a few days. Be aware that they recommend installing IDS 67 using Internet Explorer 8.


Speaking of changing IDS versions... has anyone noticed that the DVDs seem to take a long time in coming?

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Well 67 went into my laptop without a hitch yesterday morning and IE8 is heaven compared to that archaic IE6. It's about freakin time they got with the times. Now I can get rid of that pile o' crap Mozilla that I had running aside IE6 on my laptop. I was using Mozilla because with IE6, I would get messages from websites saying that my browser was no longer supported and I also couldn't read everything properly. Mozilla was a crash prone browser and all the bugs it had for my emails were unbearable.

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Just an addendum... IDS 67 has been available for a few days. Be aware that they recommend installing IDS 67 using Internet Explorer 8.

Yet FMC Dealer won't function proprly in IE8 or have they finally fixed that too?

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Google Chrome works well for me... though it doesn't play well with FMC. IE8 on my desktop, however...... Not so great.


We used to think Windoze for Workgroups was lacking... the more advanced our computers get - the worse off we seem to be.

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Don't blame the technology/computers Jim. Blame the webmasters and IT personnel for not keeping up with it and the natural evolution and progression of software. As a webmaster myself I am all too aware of such changes and how change affects my web sites and I have no official training. Granted, my stuff is nowhere near the scope of what Ford Motor Company has developed... but then again, I don't have dedicated teams of professionals working on my websites. It amazes me that after a year or more the FMC Dealer site has problems when IE8 is used and even if you use IE7 you MAY still have to make significant changes to your browser's security settings to make OASIS work for you.

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Actually, I do blame technology...


My first "real" computer was a nearly new 286 DX (this would be back about 93)... I splurged and bought a SX mobo for it and installed it... With 4 MB ram and a 40 Meg HDD, this thing was impressive... MS-DOS 6.22 had a user interface called "Dosshell" that allowed point and click navigation. While it couldn't multi-task, the code was "tight" - the operating system took less than 10 MB of disc space.


And then came "bloatware". Suddenly the OS couldn't fit on 40 MB...


Today, you spec a computer and by the time they finish "fixing" all the crappy parts of "the greatest operating system we ever made", you computer has slowed to a crawl as it fights, yet again, with sloppy code and spiralling hardware requirements.


Micro$oft has proven time and again that the software will always be about two steps ahead of the hardware.


As for multi-tasking? This simply allows us to make several mistakes simultaneously... Posted Image

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I dunno. You are talking to a guy that pushed a computer to 9 years of service that he relied on to do everything. BIG mistake. If I had updated my equipment years ago I would have save unknown hours in developing and maintaining this website for sure. I am now using software that blows my mind where as before I was using stuff that was stuck in 1st gear.


As for Microsoft I am now using Winders 7 64-bit and older software has to catch up.

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I think you just bought cheap crap Jim. Posted Image What's that famous Jim Warman saying?: Oh yeah, Buy the best only once and cry only once. In this case, I think you'll need to cry about every eight to ten years though. And the problem with the computer in the coffee room is all those darned websites you guys look at at coffee breaks. Not to mention our wopping internet speed at the shop.



My laptop will be four years old in September. It a Dell Latitude D810 with a 1.86Ghz Pentium mobile Processor and 1024 MB ram, 7200 rpm shock resistant hard drive. I bought the biggest badest thing I could at that time for a good penny of $1800.00 and it still works great. Probably only worth $299.00 now seeing as you can get Dell mini's or Acer's for that price with the same size of specs. I still have my 9 year old Pentium 4 HP pavilion that the youngin plays games on. It too works great.

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Are you the guy whose computer wouldn't run Mozilla?


My computer runs fine... it doesn't play well with IE8. That doesn't make it a dog any more than your computers inability to play well with Mozilla makes it a dog...

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Posted ImagePosted Image I knew you'd respond. I was just kiddin.


And my computer ran Mozilla just fine. It's just that Mozilla doesn't run my emails and certain websites worth a fiddlers f#$K!

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And it is some websites more than others that give IE8 and my computer hiccups.


I can eat peanuts and drink milk.... some people can't do one or the other... some people can't do either. I have one friend that is colour blind to red and green.... I know other man who adds yellow to the mix...


Your computer and my computer are likely as different as our bodies are from each other... My computer is allergic to "peanuts" and yours is lactose intolerant. Nothing in this life is perfect - though we may, on occasion, perceive it to be.


To consider that the computer is more perfect than it's designer.... now there is a sci-fi movie script.

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