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Ford Doctor

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    Diesel Techncian Society

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  1. So, have you all noticed how PTS logs everything you do with FDRS and the PTS site when a VIN is entered? Logs every connection, test you perform and everything you view - TSB, FSA and WSM access. And it has a user tag, so they know who and when did or accessed something. I am waiting for the day a labor op or claim is denied because the logs don't match the write-ups.
  2. I eventually discovered this. While not as comprehensive as IDS or FDRS it's quicker and does no tie you into the Professional Technician System by VIN.
  3. Problems are CONSTANT not only with FDRS but the serves too.
  4. Energy costs have been rising since the day Brandon was installed. Once that happens the cost of pretty much everything else rises because most things require fuel to ship. The most noticeable place you see this is in your monthly budget for food and supplies, not just filling the car with gas or heating the house. I heat with natural gas and that has risen too.
  5. A cash 5R110, a 6R140 with a fucked up converter nose and seal with the overdrive clutch burnt to hell and the Low/Reverse clutch smoked as well... 6 blown 6.7L diesels and a truck needing a FICM that is on backorder. Riddle me this: How the hell is a 5R110 torque converter obsolete but a reman unit is available?
  6. I take it these prices are Canadian / Litre? Prices are outta hand here in the States. Fortunately, I own a Fusion Energi and fill my tank every 2-3 months.
  7. Do any of you fellers know if FORScan has the SCR Injector Dosing and Visual Leak tests available in the Extended license? They are NOT in the free version. I have a late model F750 with a 6.7L that I need to perform both tests and of course the test malfunctions in IDS. I have contacted the Hot-Line and they said just skip the test and continue diagnostics as if it passes. SERIOUSLY? I am diagnosing an SCR efficiency code. I have also performed and uploaded an IDS "session trace" of the malfunctioning test with no feedback. This is not the first time I have had module test/programming/configuration issues with medium duty trucks and IDS. In case you are wondering... I drill down the toolbox menu to the SCR tests, enter the injector dosing tests, the first two pre-test screens are all good and when I click the tick to start the test it completely clears and returns to the vehicle screen like nothing ever happened... and noting did! I would laugh but this is just sad.
  8. Seeing wayyy too much of this all of a sudden. I just had a rough one. Performed the pinpoint tests and it flagged the SCR. I was not so confident in that because I have been bitten before, so I performed the tests again and after performing a manual regen NOx12 just stopped reading. Well, it read zero. I replaced it and the speed warning cleared after two miles into the drive cycle. FWIW there are some good Technical Support Videos under the Technical Assistance tab in PTS.
  9. Exactly as Leon stated. Unless you encounter things that break during disassembly a fuel system replacement is straight forward and not overly complicated. Keep in mind that we all love making time/money, but this is something you want to be thorough with to be absolutely the system is clean.
  10. Does FORScan work with Ford VCMs? I downloaded it but have not used it yet.
  11. Caught a new one today - 22S01 for the secondary fuel filters developing pinholes on the top. Isn't this a few years too late? I have seen a few of these over the last couple of years or more.
  12. I usually don't need to either and it's hit or miss for me, usually a miss. I did recently with a VREF concern and actually got good advice on a diagnostic tip. There is always hope.
  13. Don't know how I missed this but attached is the announcement of the SWIS program. The device is pre-loaded with everything required for our enhanced vehicle diagnostic support. It consists of a wearable headset along with software that enables the following features: Hands-free video and audio calls between the technician and the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). The ability for the TAC to share repair publications to precisely point to a possible area of concern. A potential future use includes training. The biggest strength of SWIS is that it allows the TAC to assist your technician with difficult repairs in real time. At this point none of us have seen it unless you were in the pilot program. Just wondering what your thoughts are? I know we discussed something like this some time ago, perhaps it was BMW using a system like this? SWIS EFC09649.pdf
  14. Has to be your computer - check your security settings and also look in your downloads folder. I know that on I click on the attachment it just ends up there. Just in case you are screwed I converted it to images for ya!
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