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Everything posted by Kevin_Rymwid

  1. I've been trying to get that taken care of Brad... they are stubborn and cheap. They think we can fix anything with a set of sockets and some wd40. I will keep pestering them, and if nothing happens I'll be going to the owner of the dealer to discuss these matters. Thank you Brad. I really appreciate everything yall have helped me with so far. It's been a huge huge help.
  2. That is correct, I had taken the primary fuel filter out, had been packed with sand and rust. I am recommending a fuel system at this point... the filter was collapsed and there was a healthy handful of rust throughout. Thanks again guys!
  3. Could potentially be a torque converter issue. Not a tranny guy here so not sure how to tell. Boost pressure is correct, checked with manual gauge.
  4. I jimmy rigged a fuel pressure tester to work from autozone, can't really take a drive with it, its teed into the fuel pressure line.. KOER is 48 psi, power braking it goes down to like 44 psi.
  5. Also should add that it does bang when shifting.. don't know if that helps or not
  6. No sir, do not have any way to test it to be honest. We don't have any sort of fuel pressure testing equipment (all has been taken by previous techs).
  7. Damn 04 6.0 I worked on that had no boost which I posted about came back with lack of power... took it out on the road, good boost but barely gets out of its own way. Takes bout 400 ft wide open throttle to get from 40 to 50 mph. first thought was clogged cat, took the downpipe off the cat, drove it again, no change... No codes again. At wide open throttle on take off the ICP hits up to 3800 psi. The EBP will hit 48 psi at times but hovers around 35-40 psi. It took me about 15 seconds to go 0-60... I'm starting to think that this is not engine related, everything seems ok. Boost hit 22 psi... This thing is boggling my mind like nothing else!!
  8. So I got another weird one here... 05 6.0 came in runs rough when engine is cold. Cust states ran rough for a little while now, he changed oil then it got worse and also then started to have blue/black smoke when running rough. When warms up all ok no problem. I can not verify smoke. I can verify the rough running for a minute or so. Also has a bit of a hard start. It does run rough after the first minute but only above 1000 rpm. at idle is fine. Power balance shows 1 and 6 cutting out above 1000 rpm intermittently. Codes listed: p0232 - fuel pump secondary circuit p0401 - egr insufficient flow p0404 - egr valve performance p0528 - cooling fan speed sensor Could the low side fuel pump cause the injectors to miss? Once the truck is fully warmed up no issues. ICP is fine, IPR is fine even when cranking all is ok. FICM voltage is 49.5 volts. I don't have a fuel pressure tester for one of these, I've read that weak fuel pumps can cause weird issues but not sure about this one. Thanks in advance yall
  9. I'm glad I got it out of here too! I did learn a lot about 6.0s on my first real experience with them. I still prefer 6.7s and 7.3s though lol. You guys sure are the best!
  10. I've had a few with high oil levels, all happened to be due to regen failing to complete, just kept pumping in more and more fuel and filled up the crankcase
  11. Sure are... Damn 6.0's!!! Now on to 6.4 turbos... lol Thanks again guys!!!
  12. Used shop air on the MAP, regulated between 20-30 psi, it kinda blipped up a few times but didn't stay. Checked the signal wire and found a break where it was opening intermittently. Spliced in new section of wire and its all set. Thank you guys I feel like an idiot because it was so damn simple.. I also updated the PCM calibration. Runs and drives beautifully now. Thank you to everyone here!
  13. Matt, I cleaned the turbo, and made sure the unison ring is not frozen, I took off the metal cap and actuated by hand, moves very freely. So I don't think its that, and I hooked up a test light between the vgt solenoid pins and commanded up from 0% to 85%, at 20% is when the test light turned on full brightness and stayed there. Milk Maid, I don't have a gauge to hook in-line. Unfortunately no one here does. I will work on finding something. One thing that bothered me very much was that I noticed in a recording while driving that MAP was at atmospheric, BARO was at atmospheric, but MGP hit 6 psi at one point. I thought MGP was an inferred calculation based on MAP - BARO? How would the PCM be seeing 6psi of MGP but no changes in MAP or BARO. Makes no sense to me. EDIT: Consistently, no codes. I would figure I'd see an underboost code while hammering it for a while and it knowing it has no boost... But nothing at all.
  14. Just looked at the recordings, VGT at 50%, MAP at 14.4 psi, MGP at 4.96 psi, BARO at 14.48 psi, EBP at 35.7 psi, EBP DSD at 19.7 psi it does have a egr throttle plate, and I checked it, not stuck closed. free movement in it.
  15. Got the y pipe aligned, cant feel any more leaks... but still even after repairing that vgt solenoid connector, I don't have much of any boost. VGT commanded to 50% I still got nothing. MAP is reading 14.6psi, MGP is reading 5psi. Also, EBP is roughly 32-50 psi while vgt commanded at 50%
  16. I figured out the VGT solenoid connector had 2 partially broken wires, might have been touching each other. And also the y pipe isn't sitting correctly.. the bottom of it is not flush. Any tips on aligning them? I have been prying on them but no luck getting it to align. If I pry on the turbo the bottom goes further away from the place it should be... I loosened them underneath but no luck still. It's quite shitty. Last time, when I did the up-pipes it took 3 guys with pry bars lol. any easier ways? I hope this was all that is wrong.
  17. I had pulled it back apart, and it all was ok. unison ring spins fine, the actuator rod in the turbo works fine, im gonna swap turbos with a yard truck and see if it changes anything. We don't have a diesel master tech here, and im a diesel rookie lol. I work on 6.7s and 7.3s... this is my first 6.0 job beyond a ficm or something simple. so I was sure I screwed something up. it didn't look like it, but who knows, at this point Im just gonna swap parts lol.
  18. Also another thing, now got it to boost abput 10 psi. God knows how. But still lacking boost and power, also has a wooshing type noise like on/off. when accelerating on the road, so basically only with load on it. cant get it to do it standing still or even power braking. Sounds like a air leak type noise but I cant find any leaks. the up pipes are seated perfect far as I can see, none of the boots are torn/cracked/loose. I don't have a clue what im doing here...
  19. At some points EBP hit 50 psi while wide open throttle. Idling it stays round 20 psi. I have removed the EBP sensor and cleaned the tube out with carb clean then stuffed a air gun in there to blow it out. I just did manifolds and up pipes a month before all of this work. Milk Maid, it is built in April of 2004, I did not see any VGT learn pids.
  20. Verified map hose and nipple on intake manifold clear. No exhaust leaks that I can hear. Performed boost leak test with a boost tester, held air pressure. Replaced vgt solenoid with known good solenoid. While sitting in the bay, wide open throttling it, EBP sensor hit 45 psi at one point. Took out sensor and cleaned along with tube. No changes. Verified vanes are clear and move freely. Nothing is bound up inside turbo. No bearing play, no shaft movement at all in turbo. Still can't build more than 2 psi of boost.
  21. I have this 04 6.0 that I did an EGR cooler, oil cooler, 4 injectors in. I offered to clean the turbo while I'm in there, being my first time disassembling a 6.0 turbo I don't have a clue what Im doing. Lol. It ended up not being very dirty at all, so I just put it back together, I made the marks but they got wiped off somehow, so I lost those. I got it back together and it seemed fine. Now I got the truck running etc, its making no boost. I make at most 1 psi of boost. The boost test registers .4psi on the test. I checked everything I did other than removing the turbo again. What am I missing here?
  22. What size rear drum brakes does a 97 f350 srw have? 12 1/8" x 3 1/2" or 12" x 3"? No parts store/website lists details. Thanks for the help.
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