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Everything posted by Chad_Kelsoe

  1. CHA-CHING!!! What I said when I walked in this morning . The Diesel Transit has gotten some attention today. I've had an engineer call me twice on it and my FSE stopped by also. I drove it home overnight on Monday, put a total of 130 miles on it. I had it averaging 21.4 mpg when I got back to work, and power is pretty good and noise level is pretty quite.
  2. Just finished up a 2015 Diesel Transit. Had a loose connection in the high amp fuse box under the driver's seat causing a no crank concern. I pulled an 5.4 engine out of a 2011 E-350 last night, it's pushing oil into the cooling system. Tested the oil cooler per hotline, saw no leakage so I'm working on getting the heads pulled off. Got a retail complete 6.4 to put in a bucket truck. Then had a 2015 F-250 towed in last night. Belongs to Enterprise Rent a Car, truck has 54 miles. They filled it up with gas and drove it till it quit.
  3. Not really. I tried several times to do a manual regen in the parking lot, but it would never complete so I did one driving. Afterwards I reset the DPF adaptive in the PCM and my boss drove it 40+ miles. Truck was averaging 8.4 mpg when it came in, he got it up to 11. These trucks go across country carrying stuff for missile testing, and they have several others to compare it too. This truck is running around 6k lbs over the GVWR rating( I found a copy from a weigh station). We also changed oil and fuel filters and sent it on its way. Haven't seen that truck back yet, and they didn't say anything when they dropped off their 6.0 truck a few weeks ago.
  4. I go ahead and torque the injectors to 28lb-fts first before installing the line. I also install the lines finger tight and snug up with a wrench, then tighten all lines to 1/2 turn each. Another tech taught me this procedure. Done several this way and haven't had any issues with them. Can't say that I've reused lines though.
  5. Finishing up a CPO inspection on a 12 F-350 getting a primary radiator, rear brakes, tires, and some other issues repaired. Also got an 08 F-550 V-10 getting a long block, a 07 F-550 that had compression in fuel due to a burned copper washer on #4. Got approval to replace bank 2 injectors, #4 cup, and fuel banjo bolt. Unpon removal of #2 and #8 inectors, found hold down bolts have stretched the threads and threads in the heads are also damaged. Waiting on hotline to reply for recommneded repairs.Oh yea its got ESP coverage too. And also just got a 2011 6.7 in with a large oil leak from the front and knocking in the bottom end... Gonna be a fun week.
  6. We have gotton 2 in so far, one with the 3.7 engine and one with the Ecoboost. I've already told the guy that does PDI's to let me know when one comes in with the diesel.
  7. I've had 2 2013 models doing it. You can watch data logger when it happens the PCM is pulsing the EGR valve between 15-30% very rapidly and causing EBP to change. I contacted hotline and asked them about a calibration update. They informed me that the 13 models have the latest calibration already, but they have seen EGR valves and restricted Coolers causing the issue. They instructed me to verify the EGR cooler wasn't restricted, if it wasn't to install a new valve. So I verified the cooler was good and stuck a new valve on it and reset the EGR adaptive in the PCM. Concern went away for a few days, then came back. I reset the EGR adaptive again and it set a P0402 the next day. Customer hasn't dropped it back off yet, hopefully I can check into Monday.
  8. The pic for the 412 engine looks like the new 2015 design for the EBP tube. The 416 looks just like the previous setup. Should make pulling the EGR a lot easier.
  9. When I started 2 years ago, there was 3 certified techs, myself, and an oil changer. Now 1 of the certified techs went to the car shop to be shop foreman there( he has been here 15 years and has worked on everything), another certified tech left for another dealer 2 months ago. I got certified last year and our oil changer has moved up to a line tech and is doing good, but isn't diesel certified yet( though he is A/C certified). So it's been me and the last certified tech left to do diesel warranty work, and they just moved me up to shop foreman for the truck shop here. So I've been working late nearly every night, taking all the difficult jobs, etc... I also just had to fight with them to get me signed up in the EcoBoost class that I lack to get gas certified. They don't like to send people to class in the summer. What's sad is I already was automatically enrolled, but they canceled it at the first of this month.
  10. http://www.lightningsafety.com/nlsi_pls/vehicle_strike.html
  11. Yea I was too. Engine idle hours are 232. I've got a few trucks I've got to get done before I can really focus on this one, I'll do as he asks and see where that takes me first.
  12. From what I can tell no. Im thinking that the overfueling injector has caused this DPF to become plugged, but I'm not sure how to prove it since it has been 20k miles since the long block was installed. I was incorrect as the oil level is overfull. Here is my conversation with hotline this morning... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Request Form Details: Description of Vehicle Concern:Customer states no power and poor fuel mileage.. Diagnostics Performed:Verified concern; found engine is low on power. Visual inspection found oil overfull on dipstick, but all other fluids ok. Performing KOEO and KOER test found no DTC's, and there is no CMDTC's stored. Road test in data logger found no obvious issues, but did note that DPF_REGEN_AVGD reads 27.96 miles. Engine hours are 1603, and my math puts the MPH average around 47 MPH. INJ_Q_TOT for all cylinders are around .13grms, and CYL_BAL for cylinders 1-5&8 @ .00grm, while cylinder #6 @.02gr and #7 @-.01grm. Attempted to perform a dymanic manual regen; at beginning of regen, DPF load % was 46%. After regen, this number droped to 40%, but after driving for 10 miles DPF load % increased to 70% before returning to shop. Fuel sample taken from DFCM found fuel is clean and sufficent. DPF pressure voltage is around .45 volts at idle, and DPF pressure is around 4-5PSI under a heavy WOT accleration, EBP is around 80PSI, with MAP showing 40PSI. VGT remains around 40-45% at this time. Parts Replaced:NONE. Question: Body Conversion:Answer: DELIVERY BODY Technician's Question:At this time I am unable to determine reason for such frequent regen at 27 miles between regens. Since I have no DTC's to diagnois by and I am unable to locate a test in the symtpom chart for excessive regen, is there a pinpoint test you would recommend to use? Additional Comments Comment From: Ford Comment Date: 5/12/2014 12:49:46 PMChad,It is recommended to record the Engine Idle Hours as this is a more accurate method of determining the vehicle idle time. Ensure that the Engine Idle Hours is not a large percentage of the Engine Hours.With the frequent Regeneration of the DPF occurring, it is recommended to perform a check of the intake sensors for any bias that may be present.It is recommended to perform a KOEO check of the MAF, MAP, EBP, BARO, and the DPF Pressure sensor. The MAP and BARO should remain within 0.73 PSI of each other and the EBP and BARO should be within 1.09 PSI. The DPF should read 0 PSI and be near 0.45 volts at KOEO (as you have indicated earlier). The MAF will need to be compared to another 6.7L quipped vehicle and these two KOEO readings should be within 300 Hz of each other.It is recommended to remove the MAP and the EBP and inspect them both for any carbon blockage within the sensor port. If the sensor is found to be blocked with carbon, replace it. A check of the ports into the engine can be done to clear any blockage. If necessary, a wire or tool can be run into the ports to clear any blockage. Remove the MAF and ensure that it is not contaminated with oil, dirt, or debris. Ensure that there are no aftermarket items in the intake such as oil/foam filters, intake boxes, or piping.With the concerns in the Regeneration Cycle, it is recommended to perform a pressurized smoke test of the intake and the exhaust to ensure that there are no leaks present in these system. This pressure test may be performed as per Pinpoint Test KA3 from the online PC/ED Section 5. When performing the pressure test, ensure that BOTH the Intake and Exhaust system are capped at their ends as this will prevent any cross flow through the internal system within the engine. Be sure to use a separate 20 PSI regulated air source other than the smoke generator. Most smoke machines only produce 2 PSI of pressure which is not enough to properly test a turbocharged system.Note that Regeneration Cycle will not begin on the 6.7L engine until the DPF Load reads over 100%. This load reading is inferred and may reach levels well over 100%. With the pressures reaching only 4-5 PSI during the WOT accelerations, this appears to be a normal condition.Further testing of the Frequent Regeneration may be performed from Pinpoint Test RB from the online PC/ED Section 5 following the P2459 DTC. The Symptom Chart 15 from the Online PC/ED Section 3 should be followed when there is no DTCs present as this will further test the other systems in the vehicle that may cause frequent Regeneration.
  13. So I have this 2011 F-450 in the shop. 76175 miles and 1600 hours. They average around 48 MPH according to my math. Customer complains of low power and poor fuel mileage. Now I've driven enough 450-550 trucks to know they suck on power compared to pickups, but this company actually owns several of these trucks and they are all upfitted the same. Both are F-450s, crew cab, 4WD, and fitted with a large cab over box on the back.. So they have something to compare it to. So I road test it this moring and it seems to have normal power, other than it goes into regen as soon as I leave. I check for DTC's; none stored in memory and no KOEO or KOER codes set either. Checking OASIS found another dealer in Texas put in a long block, #5 injector, HPFP, and turbo due to an overfueling injector that melted a piston. But that has been a year and 20k miles ago. So looking through data logger I see the DPF_REGEN_AVGD reads 28 miles, and DIST_REGEN_C is 10.87 miles. DPF_LOAD_PCT is 48%, and DPF_SOOT_INF is 1.849 Power balance is smooth, relatvie compression is good. Engine runs smooth, CYL_BAL pids 6 cylinders read .00gr, while #6 reads .02gr and #7 -.01gr. INJ_Q_TOT numbers are all around .13gr at hot idle. Oil is not overfull, and all other fluids are good. I can't get it to do a manual regen, IDS keeps stating Regen timeout. I don't see a reason why it's going into regen so often. Any ideas? Am I overlooking something? I've yet to contact hotline, figured I would see if any of y'all might have seen this issue yet.
  14. Another tech here had one a few months ago. Hotline finally had him replace the fuel supply line and fuel return line at the high pressure fuel pump and replaced the rubber washers too. They said they had found a few cases where the lines would not leak fuel, but after engine shut down, the seals would allow air to be sucked into the lines. This was after he had installed a low pressure fuel pump and secondary fuel filter hosuing after hotline suggested those. He had the cab off a week prior for an oil cooler job.
  15. http://tiffinmotorhomes.com/allegro. How bout one of these? We do service and repairs on motor homes built on a Ford chassis. Even had a few in with a Banks kit installed, including a cold air intake and long tube headers.
  16. I don't own a smartphone, but pulling it up on my kindle shows the 2016 page I linked on my computer.
  17. Everything I've seen said it will be the torqueshift 6.
  18. Well I read an article some where that there would be 3 different 6.7 configurations, along with the option for the V-10.
  19. Anybody else see this yet? http://www.ford.com/commercial-trucks/f650-f750/2016/ It will be interesting to see how they configure the 6.7 for these....
  20. Got a 2012 F-450 bucket truck with the V-10. 26815 miles, 2090 hours with 1209 idle hours. And 4 oil changes at 6500 miles each.. .[attachment=437:DSCN0889.JPG] Should have had oil changed every 200 hours, meaning it should have had 10 oil changes instead of the 4 it got. So I proceed with prior approval, they have me do the warranty cancelation form. They then get back with me and tell me there is not sufficent evidence of lack of maintenance casuing the engine failure, and proceed with replacing the long block under warranty....
  21. I put the chain underneath both hold down clamps. Holds the engine level and I have no issues getting anything to line up going back together.
  22. https://titanfueltanks.com/shop/fuel_tanks/ford-crew-cab-short-bed-super-series-2011-2012/
  23. Got an 09 6.4 that has a tank full of gasoline, and a fuel system full of metal. Come to find out last place he got fuel from, the tanker messed up and filled the diesel tank with gasoline. Last I heard, it's between the customer's lawyer and the fuel company. Something about our qoute being too high. I figure the fuel company is looking for someone to drain the tank and refill with diesel instead of repairing it. Next I have a 08 F-350 with the trans dumping fluid out the front somewhere. Bout to start removing the trans, probably looking at a trashed TC bushing in the pump I'm thinking. Only thing that sucks is it's covered under ESP. Outside I've got an 05 E-450 bus with a 6.0 that seems to be leaking oil from every spot possible. I qouted pulling the engine and doing a complete reseal, waiting to hear back.
  24. Sounds like a lifter sticking in the block to me....
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