I have an 05 that, when idling warm, sounds like it has a lower end knock-a dull thud. Crawled around under the truck listening to the pan, block, trans etc with a screwdriver but could not pinpoint it. Did notice that the combustion noise (the ticking noise) cycled with the knock. Is this a normal noise? How do you guys find noisy rods, lifter etc, these engines are a symphony of noises.
While under the truck I did notice a few drips of black oil on the bottom of the bellhousing. It came from the inside, hit the top of the rubber plug and exited the bellhousing. Could it be assembly lube, my oil is still a golden color. I looked in the gallery of leaks and did see the dark material on the crankshaft of mine, but the top and sides of the bellhousing plug were also wet. Do they put dye in the oil at the factory? The oil does not have the tint to it that the oil dye I use gives the oil.
Also noticed that the output shaft seal on the transfer case let go and the transfer case is nearly empty (according to the dipstick that I made). Think they will give me a new transfer case?
This truck only has 1100 miles on it! Any information would be greatly appreciated, I work at an independant shop and we have not seen many of these motors yet (most of our commercial accounts still use gas motors.