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8WA Sman

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Everything posted by 8WA Sman

  1. One of the few Dorman products still worth buying..shock bolt kit 31001 I remember buying Dorman 4.6L plastic intake manifolds that had the Ford part # removed with a grinder.
  2. My experience with installing Jasper products has been that one may likely get an education on a problem that more knowledgeable techs then me had never heard of or only dreamed of.
  3. '12 Exploder husband scheduled it in (wife's vehicle) complaint of 1 rear lift gate shock bad/makes noise. I take the driver side shock loose and it bumps against the plastic molding on the rear quarter and makes what appeared to be a crack that was already there bigger. The reason I know the crack was already on the inside by the lift gate is the fact that I can see dirt in the crack. I call the customer/wife and explain what happened, she says she her original concern was the fact that the lift gate is cocked not so much the noise... So let me get this straight I am going to be paying to fix a rear quarter molding which requires the rear quarter glass to be removed when I just needed to adjust the rear lift gate....Did mention I Hate Exploder's. Sorry Keith nothing personal
  4. I had a '99 7.3 that had all glow plugs ohming out in the k ohms. I pulled the bank 2 valve cover and glow plugs and the glow plugs all still ohm in the k ohm scale. Originally I thought glow plugs did not look damaged but on closer inspection and research I noticed some of the tips do have something going on. According to this http://www.beru.com/download/produkte/TI04_en.pdf the vehicle may have an in-cylinder issue. The vehicle had no codes and the alternator checked out OK. I replaced the both UVCH when I did the glow plugs(not because they were bad but because they were old and brittle) not replacing them would have been a bad idea IMO. I also replaced the valve cover gaskets. The new glow plugs had an amp draw of right around 20 amps each. I was in a little bit of a rush the other week when the vehicle was in. It came back Fri. with a bad alternator and the battery bolts need to be replaced, should have that stuff done tomorrow and will recheck everything then. I probably did not make a new post originally because I keep thinking these 7.3 are going away but they keep coming in. Here is Keith's response to the original post http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/topic/5920-whats-in-your-bay-part-vi/?p=58621 And JoeR http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/topic/5920-whats-in-your-bay-part-vi/?p=58622
  5. Yeah I have hard time deciding if a post should be a new topic or just random blip on the radar.
  6. A common symptom of head gasket problems is to have heat that comes and goes...Maybe @ idle/may be going down the road. I think it depends on cooling system design. The main point is when an engine has vent heat that comes & goes, testing for bad head gaskets will probably not be a waste of time.
  7. I had a old E-Series that had 3 doors with cable problems. I installed these http://www.fgtmotorsport.com/products/door-cable-repair-kit-ford-f-series-e-series-ranger-expedition-excursion-navigator-4-ends-repairs-two-cables. The job went pretty easy one tip I learned is to take a screw driver and spread the body if needed before it is slid on the cable. The other tip is if doing more then one door save the repair end with the cam for the latches that are closed(like the one in the pic) because the side rear door on this vehicle needed two cams so I had to grind one down.
  8. This is a Dorman relay(that another shop installed) on a 99 Jeep Grand Cherokee that failed after 2 months... The terminals are not as thick as the OE relay so they/Dorman tilted them in hopes that they would still make proper contact...which did not work...what joke!
  9. For everybody that has access to Ford SI there is a module programing job aid.
  10. So I guess I was not going cr azy the other week when I looked for it.
  11. I got a '99 7.3 that has all glow plugs ohming out in the k ohms. I pulled the bank 2 valve cover and glow plugs and the glow plugs all still ohm in the k ohm scale. The glow plugs do not look damaged/broke. What causes all of the glow plugs to go bad? I think I can count on one hand all the '99 and newer 7.3 glow plugs I have replced. The glow relay was bad(12 volts of voltage drop across the old relay)
  12. F-550 and Expedition probably use a different PATS system.
  13. OBDll theory for a `15 diesel says that typical deferential between EOT & ECT has to exceed 15 degrees celcius or 59 degrees fahrenheit
  14. So this truck http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/topic/5429-whats-in-your-bay-part-v/?p=57548 came back with the same codes and symptoms. I could not duplicate the problem and I put almost 50 miles on it with the IDS hooked up. So just started ohm checking wire @ the trans connector to see if any circuits were cross feeding. I found 2 circuits cross feeding. I will admit I didn't do as good of a job documenting the circuits but I believe it was TFT signal return and TR signal return. I unhooked the TCM connector added electrical grease and problem has not came back in over 7K.
  15. So are EBP_A, MAP, & BARO within 1.5 psi KOEO? Is it just me or is the maf @ like 150 when the APP is low. Something is not tracking with those pids could very well be a software issue as others mentioned.
  16. I have an '11 Ecoboost that has a coolant leak @ the degas bottle outlet quick connect hose. Someone else replaced the o-ring it leaked, I tried a RTS-1078 it still leaks. FCA dos not list a seal separately that I can find. Is everyone just replacing the hose BL3Z-18472-J (KH576) and does the degas bottle also need to be replaced? I couldn't find anything wrong with either one.
  17. '08 6.4L (F-450) left turbo inlet pipe was leaking, when I was smoke checking it looked like it was leaking @ the pipe flange and not the gasket....I guess so
  18. Millage may very but I had this link in my Shop Talk Newsletter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41FKDzu9D4E&index=1&list=PL155pHxoRYsG4xhBInY3yH_8Z2nqAgDTx
  19. I have had real good results using cyro treated rotors on other applications.
  20. 08' 6.4 came in 3,600 miles ago with codes P0713 & P0710. I did TSB 13-12-22 since it did not have the updated TFT sensor in it. It came back today with the same codes. The symptoms were slightly different and looking at the pids when the problem was happening it looked more like a connector or wire issue then a sensor. I found C1385(trans main connector) bolt slightly loose and what appeared to be moisture in the connectors. I cleaned the connector and trans side, put contact grease on the terminals.. problem solved. No charge to the customer, now I need to go do job that pays
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