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8WA Sman

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Everything posted by 8WA Sman

  1. As Keith stated to many variables..thread size,thread pitch,fastener material. I would like to add that fasteners that have a torque + degrees spec may or may not be TTY.
  2. I have not seen any broken connector locks but I have seen poor terminal tension problems. I thought the newer UVCH that I have put on have the style of release that I just depress with my finger. The way I test 6.4L injectors that I think failed electronically is by disconnecting the PCM connector. I put my DVOM between the two circuits on injector in question. I have found that with my DVOM on the ohms setting a good injector will pulse the meter between around .7 k and OL, almost like a heartbeat. Harness problem that I have seen I usually get a reading in the M ohms or OL. Injector problem have been under 500 ohms with no pulse. After I remove the valve cover I recheck my readings @ the injector. I tried to attach a video of me testing an injector but I think the format is wrong.
  3. If I was that customer I think I would demand a new engine, especially if the oil filter has metallic pieces in it.
  4. '93 E-Series that had an intermittent stall/no start, no communication, & fuel pump would run constantly KOEO. PCM had some bad capacitors Did broken exhaust manifold bolts on a '08 E-Series, I have had real good luck using PM-2(Motorcraft Spray Carb Tune-Up Cleaner). I spray it on the broken studs and come back a little while later and the studs just seem to spin right out. When I get the stud out it looks like the PM-2 has worked it way up the threads.
  5. '08 F-450 6.4L had a bad vacuum pump. Anybody ever used a 6C3Z- 2A451-A instead of the 7C3Z-2A451-B and swap the bracket, the 7C3Z is twice the price.
  6. Just to be clear I am talking about the junction block on top of the LF inner fender cover. The main positive cable for the CJB splices @ the inner fender(has a black cover over it)
  7. Does it stall with the ICP or alternator disconnected? Also check the CJB power wire junction connection at LF inner fender for greenies.
  8. Nice find Matt and now you know more then you care about the vent and rollover valve on a diesel tank. New tank is included with every fuel additive cardboard removal
  9. Does AM tank have it's own sending unit and display unit that's tied into FLI circuit A?
  10. Matt, you wouldn't happen to have a DSO or if not how about an amp draw on the fuel pump. I have some captures of an '11 I could compare them with.
  11. Smoke machine with flow meter could be used to verify.
  12. '11 6.7L turbo coolant outlet pipe Jiffy-tite fitting leaking. Used my nose to get the general area and bore scope to get a visual of the leak.
  13. I take it the fuel filter cover and o-ring were installed properly? Just curious what codes you had.
  14. Pilot injection? From the PC/ED Fuel Balancing and Control: Fuel balancing and control is an algorithm designed to reduce differences in injected fuel quantity from cylinder to cylinder. The increase in crankshaft speed due to individual cylinder combustion events is measured. The amount of fuel injected to each cylinder is then adjusted up or down to minimize the difference in increase in crankshaft speed from cylinder to cylinder. Fuel balancing and control operates in closed loop control in an engine speed range of 500-1150 RPM and a commanded injection quantity of 3.5 to 50 mg per stroke.
  15. Also watch the RPM pid, may have a ignition module flipping out.
  16. I have no problem with fuel system cleaner but I prefer to use it when the testing leads me there or as a maintenance item. I would watch the MAF g/s when its messing up and see if it's dropping out. If it is I would unplug it and see how the vehicle runs.
  17. '99 early build 7.3 that has a broken air cleaner box. I thought there was a TSB/kit that included a new P/S line. Or is it recommend to install the AIS kit?
  18. Here is where I bought my stabilant 22 http://www.posthorn.com/Stab_2.html
  19. Autel also works as a wireless tire pressure checker
  20. Info I would probably look at... relative compression results, injector short term fuel trims,the way it runs with the injection correction disabled, & regen frequency.
  21. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h9LvGpWzwkAhttp://www.lislecorp.com/divisions/products/?product=268http://www.lislecorp.com/divisions/products/?product=269http://www.lislecorp.com/divisions/products/?product=527
  22. I talked to AE before I posted. They can update the info to the new owner if I sell it. I never used the one with the dongle. I do know that the new VCI is much faster at loading then the older interface I had.
  23. I have a AE scan tool ProLine VCI for sale. VCI was purchased in Mar. 2013 it has version 11.1 (Domestic and Asian) I have the Nissan adapter and manual. $500. plus shipping.
  24. Worked on our 00 Windstar today with my 2 year old boy. He stated a couple of days ago how it's "no fair that he Never gets to help me in the shop". So the Windstar has an intermittent C1185, so we started by hooking up IDS and I get "no communication". I think that's wierd, so I show him the burnt fuse and see if he can find a yellow one to replace it, he likes red I have to explain that we still need a yellow one Install new fuse it blows instantly. I check the cigarette lighter and there is a penny in it(guess who put that in there).
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