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8WA Sman

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Everything posted by 8WA Sman

  1. If you are talking about the up pipes, some have a different bolt hole spacing on the y-pipe not sure on the pipes themselves.
  2. Sounds to me like the motor inside the blend door actuator went bad. If the control circuit voltage to the actuator is varying and your b+ & - are good it has to be a bad actuator.
  3. I prefer to torque fasteners, for me tightening a fastener to spec is faster then trying to think of a reason not to.
  4. I guess I must have looked up the wrong part number because when I looked up the tailgate assembly as per your VIN I came up with a list of around $500.
  5. It is possible that the vehicle you are working on is a M6HD-W, which I believe is a 6S-750.< Do not quote me on this but it may be a heavier version of the earlier 6S-650 to handle the extra HP that the 6.4 puts out compared to the 6.0. Ford does list the M6HD-W separate from the 6S-650 in this document http://www.vibratesoftware.com/html_help2014/2011/Ford/Ford_Transmissions_Main.htm#6 The thing I find interesting is the ZF actually recommends a 75w80(ZF-Ecofluid M) manual trans fluid for the 6S 650 - 750 anyway, not to mention a lot of their manual trans. Page 5 http://www.zf.com/media/media/en/document/lubricantslists/TE-ML_02.pdf Fluid specs http://www.zf.com/media/media/document/corporate_2/products_3/services_2/technical_information_1/misc/zfecofluidm/produktdatenbltter/Produktdatenblatt_ZF-Ecofluid_M_EN~1.pdf Now I would like to add that just because this is a ZF 6S 650 it does not mean Ford did not have it built to their specs. I think the GM version of the ZF 6S 650 is some what different then Fords version. The GM trans uses Transynd manual transmission fluid, part # 12378515. One thing I would caution against is, when putting heavy weight fluid in a manual trans is to use fluid that is GL-4 or less. I was told by someone that knows a lot more about fluid the me that snycros do not like GL-5
  6. Could maybe call Jasper technical support, maybe they have some suggestions.
  7. I have not found a source for the fittings yet but I have this tool http://asttool.com/detail_page.php?tool_number=8023 and it works much better than the plastic Ford tool. Those wouldn't happen to be the same as the fittings on a 6.4 external trans filter by any chance? So far this is the only thing I have found and I don't think the one's needed are in this list http://www.fitzall.com/cooler_line_fittings.php Also for the trans quick connect fittings (Jiffy Tite)with clip on the outside these are great http://www.lislecorp.com/divisions/products/?product=527
  8. What did you do, tig a piece on the broken stud and use a turbo socket to get it out?
  9. Don't the early 6.0 have to learn turbo VGT and other stuff when KAM is cleared? Maybe that's what was going on, probably not but just thought I would throw that out there as a distraction Is that funny stuff going on in the voltage pid normal or is there maybe some alternator issue? I am not sure when the truck started?
  10. I found out that I could use BRC230RM & BRC231RM calipers in place of BRCF-198 & BRCF-199 on a 6.7L F-450 with a Dana 80 rear axle, WD did not have the BRCF's in stock. The caliper slide bolt boots that come with the remans are to small for the F-450 but mine were ok so that was no problem.
  11. I have customers that run Rotella T with no problems, some have over 300K on them. Did you put your known good ICP back in after repairs? Also check the ICP connector terminals. I am also thinking I remember something about overfilling the crankcase to check for cracked pick up tube. O I just caught the fact that it is a 1996/ no intercooler...did you check the back of the PCM for a board mounted chip? Also make sure the CEL comes on in bulb check (KOEO) after the problem happens.
  12. Did an '01 today,I would be fine if I never have to do one again. ... The inside piece slipped off my wire and fell to the bottom of the oil pan, spent the better part of three hours before I managed to fish it back out. If I ever do one again I am going to use a vise grip with a string which is what I did after I got it back to the hole. Oh yeah guess what I had for supper. ...Fish... O the irony
  13. Looks like maybe I will get to be doing timing chains sometime on the one I work on, sometimes it comes in with between 6 and 10k on synthetic blend oil.
  14. What pid are you watching KOEO? I have had an older F-Series that had an O2 sensor that would go biased @ idle hot, it would set a P0153(B2S1 slow response) but I have not experienced a new style universal H20S/ A/F sensor go biased. Just curious what code yours setting?
  15. Make sure Evap purge is not stuck (monitor FTP_H20 pid)and crankcase in not overfull with gas. Bank 1 has gets the PCV, correct? Did power balance or fuel system test show anything?
  16. '07 E-Series comes in with complaint of slow fill/nozzle kicks off. IDS shows no codes in PCM, all monitors are complete, & mode 6 show Evap test all passed. I am posting a couple of ways to Diag this, pick your poison O yeah I almost refuse to pump gas in a customers vehicle, so for me that is not an option . Method 1: Let IDS run Evap test. Method 2 : Let vehicle test system with the help of IDS. Only 1 tool needed Make sure FTP is at low pressure first. Open the canister purge(EVMV) with engine running and watch FTP_H20, I like to use the H20 pid because it's more sensitive. Then I remove gas cap to make sure system will vent and this also proves no problems with tank side of system Then I start unhooking Evap system components 1 at a time starting @ the rear or fresh air side of the vent system. NPF yet. Look what happens when I remove the Evap vent solenoid Now I see if I can control EVAPCV with IDS, solenoid makes no noise. Then I load check the CV circuit with my 10 ohm resistor, to make sure it's sound. Method 3 : Smoke machine Problem was bad canister vent solenoid/stuck.
  17. I think this person should also change their oil more often.'06 caddy STS
  18. I would assume that you about talking about the GEM module. Ford made a little confusing because the wiring diagram also shows an SJB. I would amp check all bulbs and circuits. Any circuit pids that you can watch with the IDS. Also if the tech just did PMI he could have installed the corrupt file back into the new module.
  19. What about the fact that most of the info and data gets sent on some form of bussed network. I am by no means a programmer or software writer but if all these modules talk on the same buss it might be a little more involved then just changing one line of code. The last thing anyone wants to find out is that one module is talking gibberish in a crash event. I would like to add that for me some of the newer "safety" features are not something that I feel I need but I also know how some people are, especially when lawyer's get the a smell of money that may be involved.
  20. That's what I did on a 5.4 3 valve. Manifold was cracked anyway.
  21. Did you check for shiny's in the upper fuel filter? -15 fuel trims could be metal under the injector pintle.
  22. I looked all over the place in SI/PCED for more concrete info on that third circuit operation or software strategy. I even looked at some EU or models that were out of the states, I just didn't come up with lot of real concrete info. I also searched some SAE stuff. I also came up with the fact that is almost certainly a crash event strategy. I also found out that Ford used the same IFS on the 6.4L but did not have a wire in that third circuit. There is also a Pid for the IFS on the 6.7. See Brad's comment...We/He(Brad) tried like crazy to duplicate my weird no crank/no start that I had on that 6.7L. We never posted anything because I didn't do enough testing when I had the truck in my shop....That and the fact I am still trying to convince myself that I was not crazy
  23. These pumps are still on national back order....in the thousands Today I had a 3.5L Eco come in with a noisy vac pump and so I decided I would grab my Pico and see what I could find. As I expected a little lube goes a long way... which is why the air pump on my '94 F series gasser is still the original Before pump was lubed... on start up Pump running before lube...Notice the amp draw and RPM's After lube on start up not much different.. dropped about 1 amp Here is where the real difference is captured, RPM's are up, amps are down After lube, pump is now nice and quiet....WHAT'S that noise "O yeah silence"
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