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8WA Sman

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Everything posted by 8WA Sman

  1. Maybe inspect the throttle body or pids. I don't remember if you can drive a 6.4L with the throttle body disconnected, may have trick the PCM into thinking the throttle valve is still connected. Maybe monitor the fan clutch or drive with it disconnected??? I find TSB 08-16-02 interesting, I don't know that I ever thought about updating an IC at the same time as the PCM/TCM.
  2. Maybe Brad can shed some light on this?? I am guessing you checked tune and PCM updates? I would also look at TCM software and pids to see if anything jumps out.
  3. What are the results or max MGP during the turbo boost test? I am guessing the fuel sample looks normal? What about checking for a tune?
  4. Good to know but I can't seem to find any mention of programing in the WSM or PC/ED.
  5. When I see random vibration after a bump it, tires is the first thing that comes to mind. Sorry I will be no help on the AM input, I have always used OE.
  6. What tires does it have and is this a four-wheel drive?
  7. If it was in my bay I would test with a refrigerant identifier.
  8. According to my own research Torque + angle bolts grow like 6.4L oil They also can lose their clamping force
  9. My nephew is a Chrysler tech, he says off the top of his head 2.5 and the 5 mm bolts like to get rusted in there then it's turbo time
  10. The part # I came up with for the cam gear is 1841820C1 and the sensor in the front cover is 1828345C91
  11. Joe, Got a Vin and Engine serial #. I ran a Vin from a 2008 that I found online and came up with a 1835985C92 for a cam sensor. Looks similar to a 6.0L sensor is it just me or does that piece look wedged in there?
  12. Chris, How about a Vin or 2v or 3v or 4x4? This would all help to assist. Any brake pedal concerns? What about a faulty check valve?
  13. Ford PPE info https://corporate.ford.com/articles/products/ford-producing-respirators-and-masks-for-covid-19-protection.html https://shop.ppe.ford.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMmvZ_OYQzE
  14. This is an update correction to the above post and hopefully everyone that read the original post will read the update so as to not mislead anyone. After dissecting 1 hub several weeks after installing the 2 new hublocks and not finding the diaphragm leaking I got the sinking feeling my diag and understanding of exactly how these hubs work was not 100% accurate. I made a test stand which lead me to suspect when this problem occurs(leak in the Ford logo) that the problem is actually with the orange O-ring.....Well I saved the 2nd hub and installed it on a truck today and my suspicions were correct. Thankfully both old hublocks had noisy center splines but my diag was still not 100% accurate. So it looks like I will be writing my own stimulus check to the owner..Edumacation ain't cheap
  15. I have a lot to learn in the area of transmissions but I will take a stab.... Looking at the shift chart if solenoid E is stuck on that will be 4th then if the PCM turns off the TCC that is manual 1. Hopefully I didn't miss too badly
  16. The valve body I come up with is RL166834AM Was the solenoid pack color the same as the old one?
  17. Got a Vin? See Brad's excellent post for more info on the TCC solenoid. Separator plate # BC3Z7Z490E
  18. So high load and FRP? So just thinking out loud...Is this similar to a P0101 except it's for the Map sensor or P2074? I am guessing you already checked the KOEO sensors for bias? Have you tried a MAF sensor reset/clear?
  19. What about a CAC restriction or throttle valve issue? Any clues in FF or Mode 6?
  20. I had a 2014 SD with Auto hubs inop. Smoke test revealed cracked LF knuckle hose. Replace hose now smoke test passed unless I was rotating the wheel beraing(.010 in hg of flow) but vacuum test failed on both hubs. I couldn't even get 5" in hg while constantly pumping. So hooked up my brake bleeder and started spraying around listening for that sucking on an empty straw noise. I noticed when I sprayed around the Ford logo it would dry out quickly. So I put a piece of tape there and could see the vacuum making the logo more defined. Now with a hand pump the vacuum would hold then instantly drop when the tape was removed.
  21. Mode 6 data can be helpful..eg. which portion is failing and by how much, there may be other data/clues that can be helpful. From the home screen Powertrain_OBD_Mode 6
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