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Everything posted by partsmanBB

  1. We are cost plus 10 here, which I feel is fair. But way back in partsguy skool, they told us that a part needs to be sold at 14-16% over to break even, after all accounts. I think some managers-especially the old-timers- still hang on to that theory, unfortunately.
  2. Wonder if they need parts guys? I think I could live up there for a year or so, if they pay like that...
  3. They had 3 or 4 of them at the New York auto show this year, and they drew a lot of attention. One was outfitted as a cab, and I can see that being very popular here. I am a pretty big guy, but I had plenty of room in them. In fact, we are getting one for our parts deliveries soon.
  4. partsmanBB

    6.0L heads

    Actually, that's not quite correct this time.Another one of Ford's 'exception to the rules'. Usually it's safe to say with an 'rm' at the end like that, it would be reman.But Ford put out a bulletin a couple weeks ago explaining this; they are both new heads, but have assigned a new part number to avoid confusion-and of course, they want us to use up all of their old stock before we get the new ones.And I show them as still the same price as the 3c3z-carm heads.
  5. Wow, that's a terrible listing, even in CPD. I think the hose you need what goes to the front cover may be 5c3z 18696-aa? Hope this works for ya...
  6. Cust pay 6.4! Good for you , Jared... The fuel supply lines that go to the manifolds are 8c3z 9a332-a (rh) and 8c3z 9a332-b (lh). Hope this helps.
  7. Had an old-timer share this wisdom with me years ago, about a girl I was having issues with..'Always make sure the screwing you're getting is worth the screwing you're taking.' It wasn't, and that was that...
  8. My guys like to mangle those, too-I make sure to keep at least one in stock at all times. We use 3c3z 14a099-aa for most applications-hope this helps.
  9. We've done dozens of these tanks in the last year, some more than once-many repeaters after only 8-10k miles. To a man, each owner swears he is running only good fuel! It's starting to get ugly with this issue...and now with the ssm about the new tank, with "a greater robustness to bio-diesel", we are sure to soon see these guys back here, looking for a refund and/or a new tank. This will be only a temporary band-aid for the real problem, whatever that may be-Ford stands by its 5% bio max rule, so this will not be the end.
  10. Has anyone used the new 6c3z-e tanks yet? We have ordered one after seeing the ssm...keeping our fingers crossed these fix the problem. Have had too many repeat failures of the old ones.
  11. We just had one in the shop-E550 plumbing van,pulls a 24ft trailer.48k and on his 2nd trans rebuild...tried to sell him an upgrade to the new HD 4r100, but he wouldn't budge.He claims the Quigley folks said this would be no problem for him-and we should put in a unit from an f650 for him, for free...thanks, quigley. And yes, the crossmember looks like it was used for torch and welding practice, and the sway bar rubbed on just about everything under the truck. Did look pretty mean, tho-especially with the giant plow on it!
  12. can't find it here either,larry,,,just out of curiosity, which catalog(s) do you use? we have cpd/proquest and fca online
  13. just showed that clip to the techs at my counter...interesting to watch their expressions change from excitement about the flames, to horror at the realization of what they will be up against. just gettin' harder and harder to keep a positive attitude about things...
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