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Glen McDonald

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Everything posted by Glen McDonald

  1. Thanks for your replies I was actually quite surprised how much room is available after removing intake and heat shield. I have also worked on my share of these but for some reason have never had to do intake and injectors at same time.
  2. Customer swaps intake whenever they are out they have a hotsy tank and keep spares , they have recently lost some techs and are now sending us their work. I have done numerous intakes in vehicle but am wondering about glow plugs and am basically doing a survey to decide which is best route.
  3. Hi all, at customers request we will be replacing 8 injectors, Intake manifold, all glowplugs as well as EGR valve and cooler, this is a disability bus with second AC compressor and lines on left side of engine making tilting engine very difficult. My question is how many would pull engine as opposed to doing all repairs in vehicle. Thanks in advance for your input.
  4. As with many others I try to refuse but will accept a tip on the second or third offer, normally for myself this goes into a coffee run for the shop. As far as using the customers money to buy a soda, no way, any money, found while working on a vehicle goes into the ashtray or cup holder. If a large amount of money is discovered in the area I need to work ie; under the rear seat of a Crown Vic I have the service advisor remove it and advise the customer.
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