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Everything posted by 808gmac

  1. Well Bruce, Sorry it took so long to reply but got parts and put truck back together, YOU THE MAN! Thank you so much for all your help, the lpop clearance was the culprit.
  2. Able to start working on it today , will check lpop, hope to find clearance excessive so I can sleep tonight
  3. could pickup tube be cracked and sucking air or would that cause other concerns like oil aeration and lack of power? wasn't there some kind of test where you overfill crankcase and jack up rear of vehicle?
  4. Thanks for the info,could hpop,or injectors cause this concern?
  5. Spec. .028"-.032" between outer rotor and housing, where do you find spec between inner and outer rotor? 001"- 003" for pump to housing. I will need to disassemble and check clearance's. Is there other tests that can be done before disassembly? Thanks for such a quick response
  6. I have a 7.3 that starts and dies out, what can cause hpop reservoir to go dry? If I check res. before starting it its filled, after it starts and runs for a few seconds it stalls out and hpop res is dry, after that its a long crank before it restarts, after I get it running it runs great. Could the low oil press pump be bad and. not able to keep up with supplying enough oil to hpop? Wouldn't that cause other drivability problems though? Could hpop drain out internally back to crankcase ?
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