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jeff baranek

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  • Member Title
    Freshman Member

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    porterville calif.
  • Interests
    drag racing
  1. Checked fuel pressure top housing 40 psi then #1,5,7 injs dropping out. talked to ford hotline said need to fix fuel pressure first possable fuel pump,restriction in tank,or fuel regulater in upper fuel housing bypassing fuel,So I replaced pump ,ck fuel reg.signs of wear ordered new one, cleaned and reassembeled, then I put 3 gals fuel in bucket dropped in old sender and ran fuel lines to fuel pump started truck watched fuel returning to fuel supply had allot of airrated fuel. I don't think is normal I called hotline they said it is probably normal ck another truck to compare.I had this feeling to reck lower filter again loosened cap seemed real easy to remove looked at o-ring on cap it looks small in diameter went to parts they have replacment motorcraft filter kits in a generic white box, found old motorcraft box looked at o-ring meassured od it is 0.023 bigger then the generic one,re-installed cap with larger o-ring started truck air bubbles started to dissapeer it is now looking like normal fuel flow. I've been fighting this thing for two weeks now,caused air to bypass small diameter o-ring. thanks for all youre help Jeff
  2. today I found tsb06-13-03 COMBUSTION GAS ENTERING THE FUEL SYSTEM Inert combustion gas in an injector can cause a random misfire in one or many cylinders. Combustion gas may leak past the injector's needle and seat, or the copper combustion seal. Once the combustion gas enters the fuel rail in the cylinder head, it then distributes to other injectors, typically on the same bank. To diagnose for combustion gas entering the fuel system: Remove outlet fuel lines from the fuel filter housing on top of engine. Install a balloon over each fuel line with a zip tie. Disable the fuel pump and fuel injection control module (FICM) relays. Crank engine and watch for compression pulses in the balloon. For each line where compression pulses are evident, remove all but one (1) of the glow plugs from the affected cylinder head(s). Crank engine and watch again for compression pulses. Remove the glow plug and transfer it to the next cylinder in the head and repeat Step 6. For each cylinder where compression pulses are evident remove injector(s) and inspect copper gasket and lower O-ring, replace if necessary. If gasket(s) and O-ring(s) are OK replace injector(s). Retest to confirm repair. can the needle and seat be tested
  3. Pulled #1,3,5,7 injs all look good.So I pulled #2,4,6,8 they also look good I think I will replace 1,3,5,7 and reseal the other ones. Too bad I didn't find a failed one
  4. it has a midship plastic tank. it is clean inside Ilooked before new sender was installed pressure never dropped below 50psi when it died
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