Checked fuel pressure top housing 40 psi then #1,5,7 injs dropping out.
talked to ford hotline said need to fix fuel pressure first possable fuel pump,restriction in tank,or fuel regulater in upper fuel housing bypassing fuel,So I replaced pump ,ck fuel reg.signs of wear ordered new one, cleaned and reassembeled, then I put 3 gals fuel in bucket dropped in old sender and ran fuel lines to fuel pump started truck watched fuel returning to fuel supply had allot of airrated fuel. I don't think is normal I called hotline they said it is probably normal ck another truck to compare.I had this feeling to reck lower filter again loosened cap seemed real easy to remove looked at o-ring on cap it looks small in diameter went to parts they have replacment motorcraft filter kits in a generic white box, found old motorcraft box looked at o-ring meassured od it is 0.023 bigger then the generic one,re-installed cap with larger o-ring started truck air bubbles started to dissapeer it is now looking like normal fuel flow. I've been fighting this thing for two weeks now,caused air to bypass small diameter o-ring. thanks for all youre help Jeff