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Marc Schnell

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About Marc Schnell

  • Birthday 04/02/1981

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  • Member Title
    Freshman Member

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  • Location
    hollister, ca
  1. Back onto the topic.... There are already a few programmers out there for the 6.4....Hypertech, bullydog, etc.....but the most noticable is the KEM programmer that allows you to strait pipe the truck and with that eliminates the regen process. Of course that wont work with the DPF on, but without it the people who have done if have gone from 12-14MPG to 18-22MPG.....
  2. blue, i have a trick for you. i bought a half inch drive air ratchet. those middle bolts are a breeze with it. you take a prybar and use it to hold the carpet up enough to get that bolt behind the drivers seat (works best with an assistant). the half inch drive air wratchet i got off of the pts website has enough torque to loosen that bolt from there, sometimes you need to break it free, but all and all this works great for me, no seat removal involved. just watch it, those wratchets have enough power to break a wrist i think.........
  3. ive done two, an 03, and an 04 if i remember right. repair is a pain....you dont have to remove the heads, but its tough if you dont...the bolt on the branch tubes is not easy to get to with the heads on
  4. there is what i have heard about the 6.4 it will be twin turbo(i know this is already out there) one will be vgt controlled and one will be wastegate style, it will run off of high pressure fuel to operate the injectors, approx 30,000psi is the rumor, and the high pressure fuel pump will be located in the valley basically in the same location as the HPOP on the sick-0. it will have some sort of dual egr system, but i dont know the exact info on it. the cab bolts will come from the bottom to facilitate easier cab off repair, and they also have not figured out how to put it into an econoline, in its current configuration it will not fit, but you know they will not drop the desiel ambulance package, so who knows what kind of abortion it will end up being. this is about all i have heard, but i just thought i would post it in case anyone else had not heard this info.
  5. lifting cabs on e series isnt that bad either, especially if it is a work truck with no seats in it. basically it is the same procedure as an f-150, with a few wiring differences. the only trick is the lower part of the body mounts are not locked into the frame like the other body styles, they have a 21mm nut on the bottom you need to have an assistant hold while pulling the body bolt from the top. lifting the cab on an e series sick-0 is the only way to go for replacement or major work.
  6. for anyone out there looking to lift cabs but has not done it before, i have a generic help letter that i have been e-mailing the guys on it and i would be willing to do the same on here. if you email me at mschn99@hotmail.com, i will send it to anyone who could use it. we gotta help each other out on ways to come closer to making times on fords problem child.
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