there is what i have heard about the 6.4
it will be twin turbo(i know this is already out there) one will be vgt controlled and one will be wastegate style, it will run off of high pressure fuel to operate the injectors, approx 30,000psi is the rumor, and the high pressure fuel pump will be located in the valley basically in the same location as the HPOP on the sick-0. it will have some sort of dual egr system, but i dont know the exact info on it. the cab bolts will come from the bottom to facilitate easier cab off repair, and they also have not figured out how to put it into an econoline, in its current configuration it will not fit, but you know they will not drop the desiel ambulance package, so who knows what kind of abortion it will end up being. this is about all i have heard, but i just thought i would post it in case anyone else had not heard this info.