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Everything posted by ninja972r

  1. Keep in mind ford is doing alot of self auditing. Make sure you write up the TSB and results to match. I'm at a level one dealership, and they are asking for documantation on all test results. Print the PVT DCL display out if your going after head gaskets.Print the ECT and EOT temps on the datalogger if you are going after the oil cooler. Fan clutch speed for replacement. I even video record the vaccum and pressure testing for back up. It is just getting worse. Have all your bullets before turning in that RO for payment. I know from experince. Let FORD eat shit.
  2. Is Ford out of they'er fricken mind. Tsb 09-8-3 is a revised TSB with revised labor times. Count on losing a hour for any of the labor operations. The 6.0's must be easier to work on now. Ford makes me sick.
  3. I just about ready to go nuts from the lack of work.
  4. 2007 F-450 rusted out fuel tank. Salt truck 2005 E-450 EGR and bad injectors #'s 3 and 5 2005 F-250 coked EGR and blown head gaskets 2006 F-250 lacks power. No diag yet 2005 Paul's F-250 Harley Lacks power, no start at times. No diag yet. 2004 F-250 No start. No diag yet. 2005 F-350 with stacks on it. Lacks power. No diag yet. 2006 F-450 Lacks power. No diag yet. It's Tuesday and I'am already falling behind.
  5. Line them up and shoot them all.
  6. Flat rate sucks. When we run out of Diesels. I make over 40 easy in a 45 hour work week. I get diesels by the half dozen. One week I'll have none. I'll do well with the bookings. The next week I'll have 6 basket case diesels waiting. There goes my hours in the dumpster. My service director will throw me traing pay. 25 an hour. Ranging from 8hrs to 36hrs depending on how much I get my ass kicked. I can thank Mekanik for that. After he left our shop. The service director open his eyes. He found out diesel guys are hard to find. Are other diesel, well he sucks. I wish I still had Mekanic on board with us. We kicked ass together. Now I have to hold the hand off a guy who's alittle past his prime. He also can't deal with the heavy lifting any more. My vote is for Hourly. My work log has proved that to me.
  7. When Ihave seen injectors with damaged O-rings,circlips,or an injector just blown apart at the middle. It was due to a really dirty fuel filters. Lack of maintance.I too have seen trucks come in after having injectors replaced 2,500 to 5,000 miles ago come back in as a no start or hard start. The engine wants to make boost. It will ramp up the IPR to compensate for lack of fuel. Full throttle cold will do it most of the time. I have had many customers come in complaning that the injectors were just done.We'll asked them if the last dealership asked for a filter change. 75% of said the dealer asked,but they were going to do it themselevs. I will not release a truck with this problem unless they change the filters. Telling them we just put 700 to 2600 dollars of injector into it. Sways them are way. If you don't see more than 18 psi on any 6.0 after injector replacement. Find out why. Just watch your IPR next time you know a truck needs filters. You would be suprised to see how high the IPR and ICP pressures are. Besides when you work with junk. Replace it with junk. You still have junk.
  8. Any else noitce a trend on the fan clutches. The cold weather hits,and the fan clutches are going south. I have used TSB 08-05-14 three times this week. All had P0528's in continous. One had P0528 as a hard fault. That one,you could not turn the fan by hand. The other two trucks blew about 3 gallons of coolant out of the degas bottle. All the truck recieved a 8C3Z-8A616-S. Two of the trucks which blew the coolant out had the 7C3Z-F in them.The locked up 1 has the 8C3Z-S in it. It's just odd to have three in one weeks time. Will this TSB turn into a recall? OR will Ford just say it happens. We now keep 2 in stock. Since I have done 7 of them this year. I recommend that you put the 8C3Z-S in to save yourself from having a recheck.
  9. The 6.7 and 4.4 are engines that were helped produced by Land Rover. Mikey T from Ford said were in for a treat when they get released. He would not get into details of the problems they had with both engines. No matterhow much I asked. Just an eyebrow raise is all I got.
  10. Can I ask every body to do me a favor. Check the oil level in the6.4 before you drain it. I have seen vehicles come in with the oil level being two quarts to two gallons over. The one with 2 gallons over ran a little rough, popped the dipstick oring out.That one got a new H/P pump. Even low mile 6.4's have fuel in the oil. WTF ford. I guess it's normal for H/P pumps to leak fuel. Let me know on the oil levels before you change them.Every oil change I have done on 6.4's gets checked. All have high levels.
  11. I should have video taped it, but I didn't. A 6.4 came in with an oil leak. Lack of power. Doing a boost test. I saw some smoke from the left side of the engine. I saw oil running out of the dipstick tube. I short sticked the oil by 3 inches. The indicator still showed full. I boosted the engine and oil was shooting out of the dipstick tube. Itwas over filled by 10 quarts. Some one forget to drain the oil. DO TO DO. Dumbasses at Packey Webb. Change the oil. No more lack of power or oil leak.
  12. Our FSE said that the 4.4L is a Land Rover engine. Ford has been playing with, and screwing it up too. The FSE said well have fun fixing this one too. He said it's pretty tight in the F-150.
  13. Just for giggles. I was reading on the Ford message boards. Warrenty clerks or personal feel the same way mecanics do. Reading the B/S they go through just to get a claim paid. One persons posted. EGR cooler was found not to be a failed part. Charge back went to the dealership. They posted that the leak was repaired, and the customer had not returned for an improper repair. My hat goes of to all warrenty personal in the dealerships that have to go through the same B/S we do fixing the 6.0L . It's not just us(mechanics) getting the shaft, but also the warrenty personal also getting it from Ford,Service director,and the owner or owner's of the dealership.I feel lucky that were a level one dealership, and don't need prior approvel.I hope the dealerships that are not. Can hang in there.Read the message boards. If your not suprised at what they have posted. You may not have a pulse.
  14. Really good point. But Ford should look at the techs CSI too. Not having repeat repairs for the same concern means you did your job and repair properly.When they ask for copies of an RO front and back. They might see the customer request the same tech,because he or she fixed right the first time for another complaint. That's a good indication of a tech doing thier job correctly.
  15. I'm getting pretty fed up with Ford's review staff on the 6.0L repairs. I had a high pressure pump failure on a 05.Sent in all diag info when the pump fails. Over 130 degrees F no more than 330 psi. They told me I needed a high pressure pump connector.They bounced the claim. I called a Ford engineer I know to have them test it at the temp that I had posted. Guess what. It failed. The claim was then paid. After a month of bull crap. Now I have Ford telling me I did TSB08-11-03 wrong. Coolant loss TSB. After using this and the old TSB 18 times this year. Now they say the flow chart I'm using is wrong. They really can go FUCK themselves. Now I have to go through another appeal. Talk with the pencil pushers again. I'm really close to calling quits on Ford all together.After 15 years of working on the Power Stroke. I just don't see an end to this Hell we Ford mechanics live in.
  16. Has any one else heard the rumor from any International guys. That 2009 is the last year the will associate with Ford. I heard Ford is going to try to build their own diesel engines. Just want to see if any one else heard that rumor.
  17. Ford frotline only listed 4 gas engines and stated no diesel is available.
  18. The E-series dose not have a diesel available in 08.
  19. Dose any one know the total production of 6.0L from 2003 to 2007? 250 to 750 Ford trucks and vans.I can't find the numbers yet.
  20. Ever see what a convertor nut can do to a rear cover? If i could post an image I would show you.It put a 4" crack in the rear cover. Broke a tooth off of the starter. Quality job 1 . I don't think so.
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