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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. I'm not at this dealer anymore, but I wanted to find out if the repair I recommended fixed this vehicle so I called today and talked to the tech that completed it. I ended up having the HPOP pulled after doing an air test. The IPR seemed to work properly, but most of the air heard could be heard equally on both banks and a gurgling noise when the IPR was commanded full open. Once the HPOP was pulled, the high pressure tube asy was pulled from the pump. This asy looked worn (?, it's a non moving part). What appeared to be a nylon o-ring inside the pump was also trash. The pump, IPR and the tube asy were replaced and the vehicle reassembled. The vehicle now starts as designed, although, slightly overrepaired.
  2. How much money you got in your pocket? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  3. That's what I heard at school a couple weeks ago. 6.0 can't even meet fed standards and will be leaving. The cab lift is the only way to do any engine work. The emissions concern was the reason for the 6.0 to be released when it was. Ford knew of all the problems before it's release (I found that out when I was at the proving grounds in AZ. You should see the stuff they put these things through). Hopefully the 6.4 will work. I had also heard the 6.4 had been dynoed at around 750 lb/ft torque, although I don't think it'll be released that way.
  4. I like that "girly-boy" hands thing. That's funny. We have a fairly new to the trade guy, about 4 years, in our shop. When I need something done I can't get my hands on, I tell him I need his "[censored] hands" for a minute. Since I'm basically new to this, I'll probably start at that air test first and go from there. My reason for that is a learning process for myself. I don't mind spending some extra time (and losing a few bucks) on something now if it makes me better and more accurate down the road. A little help along the way helps, too. Now all I have to do is find all the missing tools. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif
  5. Gotta feel for you guys. I live in Kingman, AZ and work 200 miles to the west in Barstow, Ca (I'm moving back that way when my house in AZ sells). This has been the warmest winter I can remember in awhile, although I can't remember any winter as cold as you guys talk about. I don't think it's been below 30 at night and only a few days under 60 all winter. Gotta love the left coast.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I'll check the easy stuff first starting tommorrow and go from there. Any other ideas are always welcome.
  7. Just found this place and seems to be in the nick of time. Been in the industry for over 19 years and just getting into diesels, more like thrown into them, something else to learn, I like learning and knew about being thrown into these before I started because the dealer sent me to the diesel performance class the week before I started at this dealer and I just started there January 9th this year. Other than recalls, this is only the second diesel that I've worked on for a performance issue. Anyway, on to my concern. I only had a little time to start on this truck the other day. It's an '05 with a 10/29/04 build and about 40K on the odo. I did see and read the TSB for pulling and inspecting the IPR for damage and possible replacement of it and the HPOP, but I'd like more opinions before diving in. From everything I've been reading, it does seem to be an HPOP concern. It has a very long crank to start time, if it'll start at all. ICP will only build to about 250-350 psi, and takes awhile to build this, maybe 5-10 seconds. It may continue with this pressure as long as you crank it or it may all of a sudden take a jump to over 1000 psi, start and drop to 600-800 psi at idle. Once this thing starts, it runs very well, hot or cold. ICP will stay with desired across all ranges once started. IPR is commanded to 84% (off memory) when this is happening until it starts and backs down after it starts (I don't remember what it backs to, I think it was in the 30% range). If I remember correctly, it also had a P0299 in memory. I haven't looked into it yet at all because I am more interested in this starting concern first and it didn't seem to be a cause of the hard start concern, please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not looking for any silver bullets, just a helping hand in the right direction. I am the only performance guy in the shop, gas or diesel, and the only one there with any diagnostic skill. I do very well on the gas stuff, but I need a helping hand on these diesels, please.
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