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  • Birthday 07/31/1967

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    Resident Dr.

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    Superior Turbo & Injection
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  1. I just came across this while in Quick Serve today.... Interesting to see what the rest of the world has for sulphur ppm content.... http://www.unep.org/transport/pcfv/PDF/Maps_Matrices/world/sulphur/MapWorldSulphur_June2012.pdf
  2. Tony, I don't have a wiring dia. But I did find some info on it. It is setting a code due to lack of voltage at the glow plugs. It may be a chafed or broken wire, bad ground, bad relay.... I would start at the glow plugs and go backwards doing the diag.
  3. My biggest question about the Water Drain valve leaks is..... When does this happen???? I have seen the majority of the failures happening after the weather changes and we see a large amount of leaks when the temps drop below 30F.... I have had several of the valves come into my counter cracked..... Water freezes, expands and cracks..... Leaks happen.... I keep 3-4 of these valves on hand all the time.....
  4. Side note..... If you get the truck up to temp..... You should be able to pull the G/P without breaking them.... It softens up the carbon enough to work them loose and pull them out.
  5. Very nice Jim, Congrats and spoil the shit of them!!!!!!
  6. Can someone run a Oasis and check if there is any Warranty coverage left on it. It has some issues and if it has any warranty left I don't want to touch it. This has been a good customer to me over the years.......
  7. Don't know if it's cheap enough for you but I can get you into one for $198.00 plus shipping. And any other gratuities you can provide. LOL
  8. Yea I know, gotta keep my cool. It just sucks this guy has been a customer for a LONG time. I know he's just pissed because his shit is broken. As for the N14 Lube pump issues, I have to dig thru my paperwork at home. Cummins no longer sells Reman (3803698RX) lube pumps because of a high failure rate with them.
  9. Okay guy's give me some room..... Last week I get a call from a customer of mine that I have had thru the last 3 employers. He had a turbo on a Cummins N14 that puked and blew oil everywhere. We sold him a NEW turbo in July. He was pissed off and let me know he was..... I sent my driver post haste to retrieve the turbo as well as the CAC that was full of oil. I told him to relax and I would get them and check them out ASAP. I got the Turbo back within the hour and got my turbo guy right on it. Within 20 minutes my turbo guy brought me down the Turbine wheel and shaft with the bearings, what a ugly sight it was. Confused how this new turbo could look so bad I got the CAC over to My Rad. shop for a cleaning and pressure test. The CAC after cleaning failed a pressure test with 3 maybe 4 leaks. The shaft was blued from high temps and the bearings were scorched. My turbo guy guessed a lack of maint. But I didn't think so from looking at it and knowing the maint. this customer did from his past. Now mind you Cummins had a serious issue with Lube pumps and Cam failures of which I helped him get Cummins to pay for in the past on several of his engines. When I brought the lube pumps up to him he denied ever having these problems with them, when I told him where to look in his files he really got pissed. Now mind you I personnaly delivered these parts to them in past and know his trucks better than most people. Hell I even drank beer with the owner on most of the days I brought these to him and even went over to the K of C council next door for more after that. Randy the owner of the company came in today and wanted the old parts and will not deal with us anymore. I asked Craig and Paul the owners of the shop what I should do with this situation. Thay gave me Cart Blanche on this. Whatever I wanted to do they would back me. I tried to talk with the owner and try to explain what I had seen but would not even listen to me. He was a being a real pecker-head. I was ready to give him another new turbo but wouldn't even listen to what I had to say. I gave him back his basket case of a turbo and told him to go get his paperweight of a CAC from the Rad shop. I explained this to Paul and he is backing me on this decision, the customer was wrong. I think he has a engine that will NUKE very soon. The lube pump and leaking CAC is the cause and will be a major failure soon if they run it again without addressing this situation. Now I am at a impass do I try again to get them to understand what I'm talking about or let them destroy a 20K engine???????? Thing that really kills me is I got Cummins to pay for about 35K worth of lube pump failures in the past but this guy is hell bent that the turbo is the problem. WTF????????? What should I do? Try again or let them kill another engine?
  10. Keith I did find this also..... Front Springs: FGAWR (lb)--Part # 4,000--5C34-5310-AHB 4,400--5C34-5310-AGB 4,800--5C34-5310-AFB 5,200--5C34-5310-AEB 5,600--5C34-5310-ADB 6,000--5C34-5310-ACB 6,500--5C34-5310-ABB 7,000--5C34-5310-AAB To determine what springs are on the truck, look at the door sticker for the FGAWR rating of the truck. The snowplow package is a 1-up spring,which means if a non-snowplow-equipped truck was built with 5,200-pounds FGAWR, and it needs to have a snowplow installed, the 5,600-pound springs (-ADB) would be required. The 6,500- and 7,000-pound springs are used with the F-450 and F-550 trucks. The F-250 and F-350 axle is only rated to 6,000 pounds. It was reading like a after the fact change.....
  11. Very nice job Brad!!!! We talked about diag. on the fan clutches before. Vistronic clutches didn't have a specific way of checking before. I like your rig and the way you run it. May I share this with the guys at work?
  12. Not a NAPA filter......Amsoil and Donaldson......Looky http://www.amsoil.com/catalog.aspx?GroupID=28&zo=1644844 https://dynamic.donaldson.com/webc/WebStore/search/item_detail.html?section=10060&item=217153
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