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Everything posted by LARRY BRUDZYNSKI

  1. Nope not a VE pump. And nobody is willing to give out the info. Not done yet. I faxed all the pump info over. But I am still workin on it...... I haven't failed yet......
  2. CHECK THE BATTERIES We all have been burned with bad batteries appearing good. Looks like the FICM won't see the voltage.
  3. Back up a minute..... Are you professional techicians that are factory trained telling me that you would turn a poor customer away if they haven't brought their fine running truck into your dealership(stealership) for a warranty concern at the end of warranty????? NO WAY!!!! I don't believe it Sorry guys had too....... Not really funny though....Some of them have maintained them....Maybe not with us but has been maintained none the less.... Might deserve a look if it merits with maintanence files.... Can't kill all the claims....Obviously there is a concern if FORD has a TSB on them....
  4. Isn't that where &^$%$ (Bigangryhillbilly, AKA Stooge) works?????
  5. Yea, You guy's got lam-basted with snow. Me I got maybe a inch of the white gold. Makes it rough to pull the snowmobiles out. Fired them up but thats it. Had to even use a shovel, couldn't even use a blower..... And to think they call this the GREAT LAKES STATE....... BTW....Nice hunk of beef grillin.....Medium or rare??????
  6. RIP my friend, without you there would be no DTS. Keith have you picked out a name for the new addition to the DTS?
  7. Been offered the 12-24-30 packs over the years. Not inclined to take them all though have been obligated to a few times. I am here to take care of the customers not look for a "gift" from them. If I do what I'm supposed to then it's all worth it being here. If I was looking for extras then I would probably sell used cars for a living....... Been told by a few that I should.......Don't want to, to honest...... Would rather go out and have a beer with my customer rather than recieve it un orthodox.
  8. Keith, was searching google and came up with this. Looks like people are using the site and refering people to it. This is a bit old but nice to find. Your doing a hell of a job. http://www.thedieselgarage.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21
  9. Sounds like multiple problems..... The over/under boost codes would merit a look at the inside of the turbo and the unison ring. I'll bet the actuator has notched the ring and has been sticking not to mention excess carbon build up. Does this truck idle for extended periods?
  10. We haven't talked about this for a while.... Is Ford still planning on dropping the MD line?
  11. Not yet don't know if we will with the DDEC V. Said my guy went to school for them.
  12. Directly to Robert Bosch and also Delphi for the newer DDEC 5 Detroits. ADS and AERA
  13. You ever see where the damn spare tire is on these? Underneath the van between the 2 front seats. You have to pullup the center console and get access to the bolt to release the cable. Knock on wood that I don't get a flat......
  14. Big difference from mine and Fords Remans are that mine are brand new Garretts. No reman Mexican rejects.
  15. Who's your pump shop? We probably deal with them every now and again. Thanks by the way!!!! Haven't had time to get it set up yet. Hopefully by the end of the week.
  16. We will be building these in house. Our number one tech just went to school for it.
  17. Got a question....My 08 Grand Caravan has a TPMS light that only seems to come on if it gets below 35 degrees/1.6 celsius. The tire pressure is at 32 on all 4 tires cold. Have you guys seen this happen?
  18. Quote: 12/8/2009 12:35:00 PM - Hotline recommended: Advised tech to continue to check the coolers hot if possible. Also try securing the cooler straps with their mounts and tighten to specification when pressure testing. The clamping force of the cooler straps may help reveal a leak. If a leak is evident, replace the coolers as needed. Clamping force of cooler straps????? Am I reading to much into this or are they giving us a clue as to why they are failing????
  19. But he might........ But no...... 6.0 pissen out the degas bottle..........
  20. What's black,grey and dripping all over?????
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