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Everything posted by LARRY BRUDZYNSKI

  1. By my "old" standards. Shows I should keep 2-3 on the shelf. Once the demand dies it should have 1-2 for at least 12 months until it has no sales for 9-12 months. Then it would be order as needed. But I don't see the demand going down until it hits at least 10-12 years old and then I would think twice bout doing that to a CHRA. I have a ton of these on the shelf. P/S, IH and others that are avail.
  2. I recommend to my customers changing out 6.0 turbos to disconnect the FICM and crank it for about 30 seconds before firing up the truck. Dry firing the turbo will smoke the bearings on them, in extreme cases I have seen the turbine shaft actually break.
  3. Just got our new test stand in. CR pumps and injectors. Can't wait to see it in action. Christmas came early..... Hartridge HB378 and HK900 http://www.hartridge.com/products/commonrail/hb378.htm http://www.hartridge.com/products/commonrail/hk900.htm
  4. Handle every stressful situation like a dog.... If you can't eat it or hump it, Piss on it and walk away.
  5. Hmmm 150K interval????? Does this mean Ford will cover these transmissions for that amount of mileage????? What about filters? Transmissions still use friction discs and drive plates. Do they not wear anymore? How many have pulled pans down to see all of the metal and debris in the pans?
  6. Another way I used to look up some of the kits is to actually search using "Kit". It takes a little longer but usually you can come up with the correct part, especially with the Blue Diamond parts. They changed a bunch of basic's that don't make any sense. With all of the TSB's and part number changes that Ford has went thru cheat sheets are a must. If you have a good back counter guy it might be worth it to copy his cheat sheets and make both your lives a little easier.
  7. Yank the filter and check the bypass plug, see it its working its way loose. What was the IPR plugged up with? Have you cut the old filter apart and inspected it? Running 30W oil can't be good for the bearings, maybe worn bearings causing low oil pressure?
  8. Once again magic tune-up in a can. Kinda like this one, I'm sure we discussed this one before. http://www.revxoil.com/
  9. Sound like low pressure pump. Better check the cover and the clearances on the gears.
  10. Chris, I haven't gotten all of the info yet but do have some pump information for you. PM your fax number and I'll send it to you.
  11. It amazes me still that D/P and owners want that kind of a number for inventory size. Usually when Ford launches a new vehicle you will get the auto-ship of mandatory parts. When Sterling started installing MBE's we got a auto-ship @90K just in engine parts. As for the pricing issue, My view..... The service dept is a dealers largest customer to the parts dept. But still most parts dept. will have wholesale dept. as well and usually will sell about half of what goes over the back counter. Why should customers outside the dealer receive a better price than the captive customer in service?
  12. I'm on it, I'll post the info as soon as I get it.
  13. +1 Keith. It amazes me every year when mother nature decides to dump a shit load of stuff in Michigan, and every year the really stupid people on the roads act as if they have never seen it. Then we have the 4wd cowboys out there not realizing that 4wd is fuckin useless on ice.
  14. New or used? I looked a little bit on ebay but only came up with used ones.
  15. Jim it's kind of amazing to be putting out that much horsepower with that little weight. The Jumo weighed in at 1312 lbs and had 1012 ci's putting out 867hp. the current Cummins ISX weighs in at 2940 lbs and has 912 ci's putting out 600hp on the high end. The engine cutaway looks alot like a Detroit 2 stroke stacked on top of one another. Nice find.
  16. Nope not stupid, they want to see how persistent you are to get the claim approved. Remember they have the certs on what your trained in. It's their little "insurance adjuster mindset" they have been trained in. The "people" at FOMOCO going thru these claims are taught to reject the claims unless it is perfect. Hell anyone remember when I went to apply with the parts help center? Jim even wrote me a recommendation letter(By the way I still have it, Still thank you Jim). The people hired there have almost no Ford experience. I had more knowledge than the "gentleman" that interviewed me. I had the job other than the less than acceptable pay scale. It's pretty sad that they have people helping out the dealers and have very little experience. I'm glad I'm here to help YOU guys when I can. I don't need to make more money to be helpful, it makes me feel good inside and that's enough for me.
  17. But what about the ICE under the snow?
  18. I just had to share this one...... Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and that is where shitty ideas come from.
  19. Just 2-2.5 hrs North West of me is Grand Rapids Mi, within the last 2 days they got @ 14" of snow. Me I got a couple of flurries. Snow blower's ready and the lights are all up on the outside. I'm ready.
  20. Only drug of choice is of the alcohol version. No smokin no tokin......
  21. It could be, was one eye typing at the time
  22. Anyone check the weather forcast lately? SNOW
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