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Everything posted by LARRY BRUDZYNSKI

  1. http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/24391964/detail.html
  2. Good, bad, or other?????????? Looks alot like a Land Rover to me. Don't know what to think about only having a 4 and 6 cylinder.........
  3. Hmmmm...... Seems to me that these trucks may be problematic at times but I don't believe it to be poor design characteristics but due to the big boys(Ford,Chevy,Dodge) having very large ego's and need the MOST H/P and Torque on the market. I watch these fucked up commercials everyday. Then you have the A/M needing to push more at these trucks, trying to make them run like Bruce's Vette. These trucks have diesels in them and need to be sold to people that will use them for what was intended. Be worked and pull heavy loads. Just because the OE's decided to outfit them with leather and heated seats doesn't mean that they qualify for the family truckster and grocery getter. As stated before here....It only shows how small a wanker these guy's really have.
  4. He doesn't say who is repairing it. This looks Rex-like....... I know I know.....I just had to..............
  5. Workin on gettin pissedup up right now. Cold ones are going down really easy........
  6. Very Cool Jim, but I would be worried about mounting a tank of gas that close to the turbo.
  7. Back to the topic..... "The Future is Now" Thanks to Mentor and Keith!!!!!!
  8. I dropped out of Rex's house for a reason that I'm sure you all would understand. To go in there just to pick on him is wrong. If you guy's want, that's up to you but I'm happy here with guy's I respect and enjoy being here. Thanks Keith and all of you other guys especially Keith,Jim,Bruce,Aaron,Brad and all of the rest of you!!!!!!
  9. Less than a buck for a can of anchovies cracked open for a few days.....REALLY BAD SMELL....
  10. Come on guys were tryin to help out here......Sounds to me like there are other things going on here besides a turbo and coolers. How about the EGR valve? Any chunkies? Seems to me that every time the coolers need to be replaced we also see EGR valves,intakes and turbos being tossed into the repairs. I think you need to be looking deeper..........
  11. Mike, I applaud your efforts Even if the stiffs in your shop give you a hard time, you my friend...dealt with a difficult situation that your not familiar with and dealt with it, successfully by the way it sounds. SO SCREW THEM!!!!!!
  12. Don't remember what a rad costs, but on the class 8 side a 200-300 dollar shroud usually will cost the owner 2000-3000 for a new rad and possibly a CAC, not to mention a new fan blade and belt/s. I see this everyday with fan blades. Even on the F-series trucks. My fan blades sales have went thru the roof lately......
  13. But some dealers are willing to sub the jobs out?????? Why wouldn't you fudge some ops to get the job done????? I was a Cummins and M-59 Dodge sent us all of their ISB warranty work, on a sub basis. Why couldn't this work here???? Ok Jim tell me...... It's done everyday....
  14. There are specs for all of these things related to cylinder clearances and crank specs, unfortunately most of these are specs that machine shops have and use daily. It may be worth while to check with your local crank grinders and machine shops for assistance with these. Michigan Cat, Cummins Bridgeway, and W.W. Williams Detroit use us all the time to check heads,blocks,cranks,turbochargers and injection systems. In the long run it's cheaper for them to do this than to chance the rejected claims due to being wrong. We have a guy we use and have used for many years to install repair sleeves in dry blocks. Saves a ton of money and he usually will come to your location to do the job. It may be something to check out if warranty numbers are way up. It's a good permanent fix and will save your shop some serious claim numbers not to mention save on customer pay jobs.
  15. I was just re-reading this topic(FICM's revisited) and may be in the ballpark for this truck........ http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=32512#Post32512
  16. Corroded cables?????Bad connections????? Those things have bit us all in the ass at one time or another.
  17. I don't know if this will help, but I found this on youtube. I will jump on Quickserve tomorrow and fish around in the 6.7 shop manuals and wiring diag's.
  18. Keith, First off....Is the grass greener on the other side? OhOhOh I can answer that mr. Kotter! Sound Familiar? Horseshack doesn't have a clue and neither do we. I took the leap because of a feeling I had and again got real lucky because the Dealer went to Hell in a hand basket. This makes number 3. Not just dealers but Cummins Michigan too. Good "onion" job but couldn't deal with working afternoons. Did it more for my kids than me but ended up better for it. If I didn't do it I wouldn't be here right now. As for changing your job because you feel like your missing something or could be doing it better than you are, I suggest looking deeper and finding something new and exciting in what you do now. It's there just ask for it. The Grass is NOT greener. It's more like a vacant field full of weeds and needing alot of fertilizer. It takes alot of work and alot of time to make a big change. Keith.....KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, YOUR DOING A AWESOME JOB!!!!!!
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