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Everything posted by LARRY BRUDZYNSKI

  1. Alright I figured out who makes all the money. Our Strap-on guy just pulled in with a brand new truck. A Freightliner Century Class M-2,Benz powered. Decked out with all the goodies. I definitely won't be buying anything from him just to pay for his truck. Can you say hello Sears.
  2. No suprises to be had there is a torque spec, just waiting for my pump shop to get it for me...stay tuned... If it was me I would pull it off just to make sure that everything else is good with it. 52-60 lb.ft. torque. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif
  3. Keith have you recieved this yet? I see the last time it was scanned was 10/27/07 @ 4:31pm in Parsippany,NJ. But nothing since, it shows being on time with a delivery of today 10/30/07
  4. Looks like we have a competition going. Just like the old saying "He who has the most at the end wins"
  5. So Jim does this qualify as your new tool FIX?????
  6. It's already boxed up and going out on the BROWN truck. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif Tracking # 1Z4183090358199945
  7. Hey Keith I will get 1 for you, being that I now work at a rebuilding shop and have access to these parts. These are not avail. service parts but I have some cores that I can get 1 from. I will let you know shortly. Keith I was just handed the fitting, send me your address and I will get it out today. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  8. Very good Tony, Reminds me of the time at the Honda dealer quite a few years back. Tech does a 4 wheel brake job on a 91 Accord, get's done with it lowers it down backs it out of the bay and procedes to the automatic shop door, now mind you he did not pump up the brakes, needless to say drove the car right thru the shop door. Of course this during December, very chilly afternoon. Had another one, a Honda Passport, tech pulled the engine and didn't support the rear of the truck, up went the truck on the lift and off it fell backwards.
  9. Holy crap, after reading that. I felt like I was in college during a lecture again. But definitly interesting /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  10. As many injectors that go thru the system. You won't have a problem with 1 or 2 harnesses being scalped of the injectors. Ford is only interested in getting them back in the original boxes with the bar codes intact. I was even told by my FAD that he has seen a couple get thru empty and got credit for the cores, whether that's true or not I don't know. Just be selective on the injector you swipe the harness from I'd say you would be safe with 1-2 of the 6.0 injectors.
  11. Keith I have to believe that the technical writer screwed the pooch on this. It has to be because they didn't put that many of the 3C3Z-EA's in before they updated to the 4C3Z-AB's. Looks like as we find more mistakes this book will be a good place for notes and corrections.
  12. Keith they are different. The 3C3Z9F838EA goes in the pump,the 4C3Z9F838AB goes in the valve cover. The 3C3Z-EA is for the early production 6.0's
  13. Thanks everybody, I'm not going anywhere, other than a new job. Still going to be up to my asshole in diesel parts!! Only a little different now, I'll be doing some a/m stuff and will be working at a faster pace than before. We specialize in only the engine parts. Detroit,Cat,Cummins,Perkins,Ford,Nav. and so on and so on. As for Motor City, been there about 5 years and never asked for a raise. Hit record months for the last 4 months and figured I/we were doing all the right things and should be compensated a little more. They didn't think so and pretty much let me know that I wasn't that important to the company, so I had to go. With what I know I can make this anywhere.
  14. Hey guy's just wanted to let you guy's know that I am not at Motor City Ford anymore. Had a fallout with my boss and the owners and decided that I needed a change of careers. I'm now at Superior Turbo and Diesel in Detroit. Having experience in as much as I do shouldn't be a problem here.
  15. Dingdingding, I think we have a winner!!!
  16. I didn't see a spacer between the idler and the alt. bracket. The #'s I came up with idler F6TZ8678HB and alt. bracket F6TZ10A313DA. Are you sure somebody didn't fudge it up and improvised the repair?
  17. THANK YOU!!!!Stay tuned!!! Keith, smooth,grooved where is it located?
  18. No, not trying to prove anybody wrong. The proper info rewards with the proper parts or we have pissed off techs. Just trying to figure out what vehicle in 2006-2007 has a 7.3. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
  19. Keith what's your vin? Are you sure 2006-2007 with a 7.3?
  20. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gifYOU DA MAN!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif
  21. 9-ML-1128-ML- Posted in the wrong forum.
  22. O'k it's my turn to ask for help. We don't sell anything smaller than a 450, but we managed to get one with the keyless entry on it from Ford, not the accessory the keyless on the door. How do we get the entry code or reset it?
  23. Keith I can't find the part # right now, but there are 2 different vents for them. 1 of them mounts close to the housing the other is extended away from the housing. I will try to find the TSB on it.
  24. It looks like the "Jolly Green Giant" had the squirts!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/poke.gif
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