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Everything posted by LARRY BRUDZYNSKI

  1. Don't forget about the service advisors, If they don't get the right info about the repair sometimes it gets us all screwed up. I always tell the new guy's that come in ask as many questions as possible. Kill me with info I like it. OHNO60, as for clock springs I've had some but not a epidemic.
  2. It's usually because were so frustrated because the parts managers are stocking less and less and we don't have what we need when we need it. Which in turn pisses you guy's off. My back counter guy and I do a end run around the manager and make fake special orders so that we have some of what we need. It helps a little bit but not enough.
  3. Here we go, this is going to get interesting!
  4. Yeah but what about all the raw diesel or soot we inhale daily?
  5. Being that I'm in the parts dept. I guess I would be exempt from this topic. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif
  6. Sometimes you will sometimes you won't. On wet sleeve engines the cavitation happens to the cylinder liners and is just small pin holes that leak small amounts of coolant into the cylinders. I haven't seen a lot of cavitation on the 7.3's but usually we do drop in's before it gets that far.
  7. Well who do we blame for out sourcing now? check it out. http://www.clickondetroit.com/automotive/13898257/detail.html Ford takes over Visteon and sells to Linamar a Canuck based company who will inevitably charge more for the parts being made in Mexico under the Linamar name. ??? American made my ass!!!
  8. We just lost 3 techs along with 1 parts guy. Seems like a epidemic happening. Sucks just makes everybodies life harder. 1 of the techs just got done with 6.4 training, guess it scared the hell out of him, anyway he's going to a industrial fleet- hourly and better bennys.
  9. Good deal, glad to help /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  10. I think the resistor you want is a XF3Z14B022AA. The parts locator has a few dealers showing it in stock. The description on the part is "resistor assy a/bag frt snsr"
  11. I agree to what everybody is saying regarding the article. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif The problem I have is that all of our dealers have this thing called a ESTIMATE, the customer has a choice to accept the estimate or decline and go somewhere else. The dealer he had his truck at should be the one at fault for the obvious incorrect way of repairing the vehicle, NOT FORD /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif
  12. Check out this web site, pretty cool!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif Be interesting to see what anybody comes up with now. http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/08/08/biodiesel.bullet.bike/index.html?eref=rss_tech
  13. That's the same kind of guy that sells the snake oil and makes promises of greatly improved mileage and performance, or the A/M companies on all the late night infomercials that tell you that their products meet or exceed O.E.M. specs. Have yet to see them put the actual specs on their shows. As said before and I quote "There is a sucker born every minute"
  14. We have to get some of those on this side!!! Work to hard for to little pay... Oh by the way Labatt and Molson my 2 favorite barley pops!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  15. I believe that the first go around that Ford had called it a Interim fix until the correct parts were avail. I believe the 4th Qtr of 2007.
  16. Yeah yeah yeah, another Hallmark holiday that has no importance of any sort. You guy's got it good /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif Have a safe one and talk to you Northern people tomorrow!!!
  17. I may be wrong but I thought the pull ring on the top was to bleed off air from the fuel bowl. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif When we do see these on the rare occasion we have changed them over to the Fleetgard remote fuel setup. Usually they come in leaking all over the place( rotted out ).
  18. So I guess in a nutshell: More chiefs than indians...or let's have mettings about meetings and get nothing done. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif
  19. I assumed we were talking about the longevity of diesels, we all know how crappy the transmissions are. It seems more like maint. to replace them.
  20. Our delivery trucks as follows: 2001 F250 278000, 2000 F450 490000, 2003 E350 176000. All running well, pretty much just pm's. Other than that they all have gotten transmissions,brakes etc. no major failures. Have heard that we may replace the F450 in the fall with a Sterling Bullet. Will see what happens.
  21. Here's one for you to try. Dial up a direct line in your shop and transfer the call to the receptionist. Get's a real puzzled effect. We also have a few mechanics that take their lunch in their cars, some have fallen asleep, needless to say the vehicles get a good shrink wrapping, you should see the look on the faces when they can't get out.
  22. Yeah it's kinda like in the movies, when you walk down a hall and the eyes in a picture follow you. Hey you look older than what you say, could it be the business doing this to you?
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