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Everything posted by LARRY BRUDZYNSKI

  1. Keith I never noticed your picture moving before, I just noticed it and thought I was having issues. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
  2. Tony did they come up with a 5C2Z.12B637.SA ?
  3. Tony get me the vin and I can help you out with the correct #
  4. If it's the PM22 or PM23 it is 2008 compliant. If it's the PM17 or PM18 it is not.
  5. The parts and service training is not the issue, it's the customers being educated on the vehicle that they are buying. The sales dept. should being more active in this process it would make all of our lives a little easier.
  6. http://www.carsondodge.com/Forums/showthread.php?t=7 I think more dealers should use this as well, maybe we wouldn't have as many uninformed Diesel owners out there.
  7. It is but better it's comparable to the F450-F550 and will only be available to Sterling dealers not Dodge dealers. The rep. told me that this grille will bolt right up to the Dodges front and has had requests for them.
  8. Just had one of our Sterling reps bring in a Bullet only 1 of 3 in existence. Didn't have enough time to snap a picture but did talk with the rep. for a while. It looks like it might give Ford a run for the money. Service wise it's pretty accessible. Repair wise if the engine has to come out the cooling system assy up front has 4 bolts and the hoses and electrical that has to be disconnected. The engine comes out the front of the truck. Gee maybe Ford will take a look at this setup....
  9. I've always liked dropping the 5 ft pry bar behind the new techs the noise just about makes them mess themselves.
  10. Alright here we go... born here in Michigan,mother and her family all from Vindsorbon(Windsor)Her father a moonshiner that came across the Detroit river to bring us yanks some of the good stuff, but that was well before my time. My time was spent every summer after school let out in a little town on the shore's of Lake Erie. Colchester was the name spent most of my young life there and in Harrow about 5 miles north of there in the local hotel(to most of us yanks that means a bar)Also did plenty of Smelt dipping off of Point Pelee, and plenty of good food in Amherstburg. Last but not least a sister that married a canuck and lives in Oxley. could go on but I'm starting to bore myself.
  11. Tony if you want to make money being a cop is definitly not the job for you. I'd say that being in the business for only 3 years and making what you do is pretty decent.
  12. Has anyone seen the Compucheck fittings that Cummins uses? They come in a variety of sizes, in standard and metric. This may be a good option for coming up with the fittings you need.
  13. Is this the stamping off of the part or a actual International part# ? I need more info to help.
  14. Keith it's definitely not a Cummins they didn't put Garrett turbos on only Holset. I did a little checking and came up with a part# only avail. from Sterling/Ford heavy trucks DLM/E7HZ6K682ERM @ $1200.00 list price. Also did find that it will fit 87ish L-series (could fit other years but haven't had time to check. 7.8 Ford Brazilian with 185hp and 210hp only. We don't sell many of these but maybe some of our other members would be interested. Most of the trucks around here are usually 240hp or 270hp.
  15. Which part # have you ordered? The 8005 Radiator is just the Radiator. The 8009 is that plus the 8124 mounts, the Detroit national pdc shows 9 in stock should be 2 days. You might want to check it out.
  16. O'k guy's this doesn't happen very often but there is something I can't seem to find. My sales dept. came to me looking for a 13A576 trailer light harness. Their customer wants to be able to pull a trailer with their LCF, for the life of me I don't know why!! but they do. Any help would be appreciated. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif GO DALE JR.!!!!!
  17. Let me know Keith, we deal with alot of old s... around here.( Older than Jim)
  18. We use the Cuda cleaner as well, works very well but it does need frequent maint.
  19. Keith I'm looking at the listing right now. The BR101's will work but they are listed only for 1990-1993,1994 on up it is listing the F4TZ.2200.A and are bonded. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  20. Can't we all just get along!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  21. Did anybody notice the price difference yet? We used to sell them for $118.00 over the front counter, now look at the price list is about $28.00. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  22. Ford also did it with the F650-F750 line. It still says Ford but is really a Navistar just rebodied. Give me they days of the F600,F700,F800.
  23. Hey Eric I just looked it up and came up with a different # 5L5Z.4209.A it consists of ring gear and pinion set,locknut lube,shims and spacer. If they want to look it up again the axle code is V367B, parts list #3. Hope this helps!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  24. What size trucks are you dealing with? F350-F550 or F650-F750? The reason I ask is that the smaller trucks don't list a cat. delete pipe, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, we may be able to get a hold of a export truck that is not outfitted with a cat. possibly a truck destine for another country.If it's a 650-750 they come with a cat/conv muffler on them and some listings do show a standard setup w/o cat.
  25. Holy crap Jim, What a thread! I was in the IAM union when I was at Cummins and didn't have much in the way of support from the union. It may have been a good thing to be in years ago, but now I don't think so. Let's face it mother Ford and every other supposed to be domestic manufacturer is bringing in parts from other countries, it's no longer a buy american made but buy a american assembled vehicle if it's even assembled here in the states or in Canada. Here's a thought there is North America and South America does South America count as American made? I commend you on that thread you were on very well thought out and to the point, not a bunch of blaa-blaa.....
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