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Everything posted by LARRY BRUDZYNSKI

  1. Keith just a thought... If these exhaust hose ends are attached to the vehicle, and it goes into regen do you think that the hose will handle the extreme temps?
  2. We've done a couple but it's to early to tell if the're any better,( knock on wood ).
  3. Dustin it looks a lot like the Cummins distributor I work for a few years back, but bigger!!! VERY NICE /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif Are you guy's looking for good parts guy's?
  4. Rockbronco, keep in mind that this was back in 90-91 and most all of the dealers and bodyshops had to deal with this. How many of us that have a bodyshop have had to fix a car that somebody has went thru the windshield? The worst thing about it is knowing what happened to the guy in the car. By the way I think poop trucks are the worst stench-wise, garbage trucks come in a close 2nd especially when they tow it in and it's sitting right under shop heater.
  5. The absolute nastiest thing I've ever seen was when I worked at the Honda car store. Back in 1991 a guy gave his son a 1990 CRX SI for graduation about three weeks later the kid has a break up with his girlfriend and sits in the car sticks a 12gauge in his mouth and pulls the trigger. What a mess and my dealership had the joy of cleaning it up, we replaced the complete interior. NEVER WANT TO EXPERIENCE THAT AGAIN!!!!
  6. It seems to me that the customer would have a serious problem with vibration with the vanes broke off not to metion lack of power. It puzzles me that this turbo was still creating boost. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  7. Didn't Jim Warman just put up a post like this one with a ground concern?
  8. Jack if bio is not the issue could it possibly be additives that are being added to the fuel?
  9. Eric as far as I can tell, you have been given the correct info about the shaft seal not being avail. but I could be wrong I'm going to check a little deeper and find out for sure. It's getting late for me. ITS TIME FOR BEER /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif I'll let you know for sure tomorrow.
  10. Eric do you have the vehicle info? I'll see what I can do to help you out.
  11. Mine are not in boxes, but in bags still with the blue label. I just hope that if Ford does do a recall that we can still use the ones in stock.
  12. I had 15 on the shelf and ordered 10 more, and recieved 10.
  13. Detroit PDC shows well over a thousand on hand, I just placed a order and they released out of my PDC.
  14. Keith I believe that the rubber/silicone seal that seals the case is where the moisture gets in, on almost everyone that I have sold for moisture intrusion/corrosion the vent has been blown out of the IDM.
  15. Hey guy's I seen one of these and it really looks like this, seen it in Saline Mi. on the way home didn't have my camera with me but I do now. No rattling from under it must be a gasser. No camo either.
  16. Jim you could always pickup one of those electrical dog collars with the remote and give a zap every now and again.( just kidding) When I have a new guy here in parts the first thing I stress to him is that "There are no stupid questions just stupid assumptions" and we all know what "assume" means. I think a good start would be sitting him down and having a good talk about his performance so far, but yet try not to be-little him and take the wind out of his sail. If he is a good prospect then I think he will come around. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif
  17. So do you feel like you just were in a real live Infomercial?
  18. I'll keep looking. Stay tuned....
  19. I believe Cummins has the contract until 2011, but the way things are going on in the industry anything can happen.
  20. I dug into it and couldn't come up with a exact replacement for the shielding over the harness that your talking about. I did come up with some that I think will work. D4FZ14A099B 1/4" D4SZ14A099F 3/8" D4AZ14A099A 3/4" I believe that this is the metallic shielding that you are looking for. If not let me know and I will dig deeper.
  21. I heard that the additional torque of 6.0's was to much for the dual mass and breaking springs, So Ford decided to go back to the single mass solid flywheel. Don't know for sure but sounds like it makes sense to me.
  22. Whoa, hold on a second. I know I'm just a "dumb yank" and all but What did you just say?
  23. Doesn't make any sense cutting back where we need it the most, the dealer level training. What would be nice is if the dealers would send at least 1 of the parts guys to a training class so that when the techs come in for parts that we would have a idea as to what they need.
  24. 2 more thoughts on this, Do you think that the guy's at the assembly plants know where these parts are coming from? Better yet maybe the car/truck manufacturers should be more politically correct and change the saying from American made to American assembled. What does this do for U.S. content percentages?
  25. Michigan is pretty cool, Great lakes surrounding us, tons of inland lakes, M.I.S., all the different seasons depending on what you like to do. Boating,snowmobiling,biking,drag racing,camping,fishing and so on.... The only down side is how bad our Governor is messing up the state.
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