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Everything posted by LARRY BRUDZYNSKI

  1. Check out the 7.3 waterpump part labels. Assembled in USA contents from China also.
  2. I just thought this might be a good topic. I been noticing lately on the Ford parts packages where the parts are made, for instance pull a F81Z15442BA and take a look....It's made in Poland, how American is this??? How about a YC3Z7L596AA clutch pack made in Brazil. Anybody else see this as well??? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  3. Haven't checked it out yet but probably is less $'s and less hassle than screwing around with those weld nuts. I guess we need to be careful not to burn the truck to the ground even though some of us might prefer that method. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif
  4. Keith, do you think heating the bolts up 1st might be a little easier, or do you think it would screw up the heat treat on them?
  5. Glad to see that I'm not the only parts guy here. Good to have you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif
  6. That was pretty cool looking, but really scary. It definitly gives Smokey the Bear some new material to work with. Stay out of the woods /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif
  7. I don't know about the rest of us but I do a pretty good business with E series diesels. All the ambulances,schools and various contractors using them.
  8. Boy oh Boy, didn't think it would be this soon to see a recall on the 08's. I guess the 6.0's aren't looking so bad now... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif
  9. How about this thought.... A F550 meat wagon, if they can't get the E series why not make a F series.........
  10. The esn should be stamped on the left/drivers side rear of the block just below the head. lol trying to see it though.
  11. Ding,ding,ding give that man a cigar!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif Be careful there is a esn# split on this one. 3C3Z9E527AE # 6155636 and below(Indy built) # 94580 and below (Huntsville built) 9/22/2003 and before 4C3Z9E527AA # 6155637 and up (Indy built) # 94581 and up (Huntsville built) 9/22/2003 and beyond Unless Ford/IH have changed their minds again...... It seems things change everyday and have to stay right on top of it just to keep up. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  12. Bruce if you have the Diesel sales reference manual, it will have the i.d. #' that you need. If not I need the #' that are etched on the top plate of the inj. solenoid. These #' are only on the new not reman.
  13. Keith I was just talking to my back counter guy, his phrase for how slow it is and I quote "I'm getting secretary's !@#!?$! and it's getting wider sitting on this stool". As for the front counter it has been fairly steady but I would rather be up to my !@#!?$! and elbows in customers. Makes it a little easier to make the mortgage payment, and also the day doesn't seem to be as long.
  14. Sorry about that Alex, I just double checked and it is 1/2 drive, will take another look and let you know.
  15. Keith, I totally agree with you!!! Don't you think that if this stuff is the Wonder Juice that BG claims it is, that Ford would be supplying it with all the fuel/oil issues that there has been. I also agree that the end users should also be better informed right from the start about using quality fuels and oils. I just stopped by the gas station out by my house last night ULSD $2.76 gal, Bio Goo $2.81 gal. More expensive for the Bio does that make it better.... I remember back a few years ago the Krex products that were making the rounds at the car dealers. The salesmen had the mechanics/techs save the caps and got $.25 per cap. We probably sold 3-4 cases a day to the shop. Krex promoted the product by commission to the techs, does that make it any better?
  16. Proto makes one, part # 7418M 6pt std 3/4 drive impact.
  17. A/T 3C3Z6G091AA on b/o but the locator shows that dealers all over have them. M/T 3C3Z6G091BA show 2 at the Nat. depot also shows on the locator. I guess that explains why I don't have the A/T cover.
  18. Keith I feel for you on this one lol !!! Alright guy's I figured it out drove me crazy though. Ford lists it with the a/c condensor. Part # 3C3Z19E672CA air deflector.
  19. Help!!! Flashback, 318 lean burn Chrysler's what a nightmare!!!
  20. If your talking about the lower seal, the # is 3C3Z19E572AA. If you need the shroud that actually mounts to the rad. the # is 3C3Z8146AJ. If you need the round part of the shroud that mounts to the 8146 it comes 2 different #'s Hvy duty and extra hvy duty alt. 5C3Z8B614CA and the Duel hvy duty alt's 5C3Z8A614DA. I don't see anything else around that area. If there is can you elaborate and I will try to help the best I can.
  21. Keith the way it was descibed to me was that when they build more hp into a engine. The engine doesn't work as hard at a cruising speed which in turn is more efficient and gets better mileage. Whether this is true or not I don't know...
  22. http://www.truckinginfo.com/news/news-detail.asp?news_id=58007 Take a look!!! My New Truck Sales manager just brought me a picture of this truck. I couldn't find one online yet but it resembles the Ram, and will be Cummins powered probably the 6.7. It's supposed to compete on the F-450 level.
  23. It shows 2 different part #'s. I haven't had a need for these yet, but it's nice to know that the S/D blades will work. The B/D #'s are 6E7Z17528AA and 6E7Z17528BA
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