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Everything posted by LARRY BRUDZYNSKI

  1. Yeah Ford could add them on to the "exploded view" commercial. Wouldn't that be cool!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif
  2. http://www.fumeavent.com/ 1-636-349-4400 Hey guy's just ran across this site, it's for Fire engines but looks like the same kind of setup. Check it out they call the ends Source Capture Nozzles, maybe we'll get lucky and come up with the correct hose ends. Thanks to Ford for cutting these exhaust ends at a angle.
  3. So what does this mean for Ford are they/we going to be left high and dry, or do you think that Ford and Navistar will come to an agreement?
  4. Or how about the 6.7 ISB Cummins that Dodge is already advertising???? I guess this will give them more time to test.
  5. Not to burst your bubble...,but I believe the 2003 Cobra came in at 4.6 liters 390HP with 2 additional cyl's and blown with a 0-60 at 4.9. The NSX came in with 3.2 liters 290HP VTEC and a 0-60 in 5.0 I would have to say that they are pretty well matched other than everyone that wants a Cobra can get one, if you want a NSX you REALLY have to want it. But enough of that I thought this is a Ford Diesel Forum... pm me if you want to continue our apples to watermelons comparison.
  6. Yeah I agree Honda does get more for the maintenances than Ford. As for the customer getting screwed the dealers cater to them very well. Being that I have 1st hand experience with this, I can tell you that Sales sells the 1st car, and Service/Parts sells the next 3. It's very tough trying to say this being at a Ford dealer now, it seems that the more we try, the harder it is to take care of the customers. As I see it if keep plugging away eventually we'll all make a difference and see the fruits of our labor. In regards to the VTEC, if you ever get a chance drive the Acura NSX it's unbelievable!!!
  7. Whew!!! I didn't think that post was ever going to end. Very interesting though. I think what people don't understand is that the import customers have been treated differently than at the Ford,GM and Chrysler dealers over the years and don't mind as much when there is a recall or problem. Lets face it the big 3 have turned into Warranty nazi's. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to side with anybody being the fact that I've been on both sides of the fence(Import and Domestic dealers)and have seen the way the manufacturers handle things. One thing comes to mind, back when I was at a Honda dealer(1990-1991) Honda had rust issues and fuel contamination on 1983-1985 Accords. Fuel filler necks were rusting out and contaminating the system. Honda replaced these under policy. I don't see Ford doing this with the oil pans, when they know that there is a problem. I don't see import or domestic anymore lets face it. This has become a world business, everybody trimming down and cutting costs. Everybody doing business together. To finish I'm glad that you didn't say anything about NASCAR!!!!
  8. I see a tag on the neck of the tube just under the green clamps, did you happen to get any info off of them?
  9. Summit motor products 827 Ridgewood ave North Brunswick, NJ 08902 800-275-1043 Old style 5 pin part # 10604 about $11.00 New style 9 pin part # 10631 about $20.00 These work very well!!! I have a few in stock if needed quickly.
  10. Here at our shop every oil pan(7.3) thats replaced get's the TA.31 silicone, and a can of the PM.13.A high temp anti corrosion coating. So far we haven't had a 2nd pan rotting out but then again I imagine if a customer has to do it a 2nd time I would guess it's time for new truck.
  11. Well I'm glad to say I pretty much just stay on this forum. Don't like listening to all the BULL.... that's going around. I like being part of a forum that actually knows what the hell were talking about,( most of the time ). I can't wait to see what the know-it-alls have to say about the 6.4. lol on attaching anything to these new engines. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif
  12. If the IH filters are that much cheaper can us Ford guy's buy them thru Blue Diamond? If so does anybody have the part #'s? F-series FD4604 $63.87 over the front counter E-series FD4606 $63.87 over the front counter
  13. 1C3Z12B637CA W/manual trans W/O Cal. emissions Navistar id # 1838082C91
  14. I here the troopers in NJ are really not that nice when it comes to speeding. I live near the Ohio/Michigan border and the troopers like pulling over cars from different states. I haven't been pulled over by a Ohio trooper but I here they have credit card machines right in the cruisers. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time I looked we didn't have a speed limit of 80mph. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif
  16. Uphill into the wind both ways!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crybaby2.gif
  17. O'k back to the subject, I just had the customer of the day come in. Has a 1994 F350 7.3 leaking fuel but couldn't tell me where from, I guess were all mind readers now. Needless to say convinced him to call and have it towed in.
  18. HVAC problems, If this is the worst we have to deal with I say Yahoo!!! But I know better. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  19. We see a constant flow of rust problems, the oil pans and fuel lines are no brainers the real pain in the !@#!?$! are all the brake lines that rust out, of which Ford only services very few with having most of them being made up from bulk.
  20. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gifAs many fuel issues that there is with the engines now a days I would suggest putting what it specifies. We don't need more problems than we have already. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/drinkingdude.gif
  21. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gifDitto from me!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  22. You sound like your the Big Dog, just wait until you close up shop. That way you can take your time checking it out.
  23. No I wasn't talking about the location of the filter. I was talking about the cataloging it doesn't list it. Could it possibly be the same as the 6.0
  24. Now Ford will be closing the Wixom Mi. assy. plant a month early(May 31). It originally had 4000 workers,as of now has less than a 1000. I know about a 1/2 dozen people that used to work there, and haven't found new jobs as of yet.
  25. So what do you think Mulally will get for a "Bonus" for all of his efforts? It kills me they bring in a hatchet man and they get huge benefits at employee's expense.
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