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Joey Kaylor

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Everything posted by Joey Kaylor

  1. bad luck is one thing, i will eat everything that happens if my techs are smart about it and didnt do something that is absolutely retarded (like do the same thing twice, such as what you had happen) each one of my guys will immediately tell one of us if there is a problem or they broke something. i will always take care of them too, such as the instance we are in right now: doing a tune up, found the prior shop had crossthreaded the plugs into a 3.9 dakota, breaking off the groundstrap in the head. now i have to pull the head and fix it. i take care of them if its not their fault. as ron white says "you cant fix stupid" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  2. Gas-sorry, i meant to clarify that. i dont see how it will work on a diesel, cause that is some NASTY stuff!
  3. make him buy one. that will teach him to keep an eye out. too many techs have the attitude that the shop will pay for their f ups. i do to an extent with my guys, but they realize that the more they mess up, the less bonus they get.
  4. Diesel flush packs-worthless, IMO. the 44k is the exact same as the gas 44k, but just in a different carrier. Trans flush kits-work damn good, especially on older mopars and 5r55's/4r100's with a shudder on the 2-3 or 3-4. granted, i dont use their fluid or chem packs on all exchanges i do (note i didnt say flush. the way their machine works, there is no pressure, which is one reason i dont like some other machines, they can do damage) their fluid is a good synthetic multigrade fluid, and they stand behind the compatability, unlike other manufacturers. the bad thing is that its not compatible with Mercon SP, which means if you do need to do an exchange on one of them units, its gonna co$t some buck$! EGR service-if the ports arent completely stopped up, this thing is badass. i love it on mod engines, hook it up and let it run, you dont have to pull the throttle body or the elbow to clean that dang trough. fuel induction system cleaner-works well, although i have found if you run GM top engine cleaner through the atomizer, it REALLY does a damn good job of getting rid of carbon! the 44k is some good stuff, i use it like i use Stanadyne on diagnosing a diesel fuel issue. fuel rail cleaner-if you have the induction cleaner, you can get an adaptor to run their rail cleaner through it and clean the injector with pressurized cleaner. i guess they finally figured out that the atomizer can have other uses (i use it to bring in a vehicle with a dead fuel pump. fill it with gas, hook an airtank to the cylinder, clamp the return line, and hook to the rail. works better than pushin it!) cooling system flushes-joke, only reason i did them was their cleaner worked well on getting rid of scale. FrigiFresh-excellent for getting rid of musty odors in the HVAC system. SynchroShift fluid-again, damn good for making a notchy tranny smoother.
  5. i think he is looking for the silicone section about 4" long, i think it is 1" or 1.25" ID. its a little sleeve that goes over the ICP and the connector.
  6. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif we rock out to all makes of diesels, from some old John Deere inlines that are in equipment to Duramaxes, ISB's, N14's, 50 and 60 series, P$D's of all sizes, and more. i prefer to use the term "insane" to describe our shop, since we do anything from scooters to haul trucks and equipment. back on topic, when i decided to start doing powerstroke work three years ago, i drove over a thousand miles in one weekend just to attend a class that Bruce Amacker was teaching. i then spent another 5 grand on tooling and diag equipment, but i learned how it worked and how to fix it. and guess what? i get calls from other shops too! they finally just wind up bringing me the trucks and have us fix them, cause i get to be an a hole on the phone when i have to deal with idiots that dont know how anything works on them.
  7. you mean they didnt learn this the first time on the first gen 7.3's? wow.
  8. i just bought 96 glow plugs through motorcraft, and a little over half of them have made in ireland on the bag. great....a bunch of alcoholic glow plugs that will fight with each other!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  9. ok...i figured it out and got the flash files. for those that havent done it: go here and when you have the file names you need (this time it took two times of connecting to the vehicle, getting the list, installing them, and then getting another list of files needed, apparently it will only show 3 files at a time) enter it in on the download search bar. save the file to the c:\Program Files\Ford Motor Company\Calibration Files directory, if you dont know how, just save to the desktop then copy/paste it into that folder. after that, you should have it ready to go. there are several patch levels on that site also, if you want to know how to do them, open this PDF after i get the wheel bearings in this truck, im very curious to see how well it runs with the new flash.
  10. i had it emailed to me. if you want a copy of it, i will email it to you. just shoot me an email and i will send you a copy. apparently the copy you can download off the net now wont do work right, at least thats what i have found.
  11. I had the same thing happen today bruce. 06 F350, went to check for updates, showed it had updated software (i was excited, i wanted to see what the inductive heating stuff was all about) and it came up with that message. i have a screenshot, im hosting it right now and it will be up in a minute.
  12. the original versions of IDS up to 46 used a static IP address if you use a network bridge to connect instead of the USB cable (less issues with alot of computers, the USB cable i had didnt work all the time, you would have to disconnect a few times to make it com. correctly. when they went to 47, they made it to where the IP is dynamic for some reason, which means you have to change the IP address of the bridge every time you update. finally got mine figured out yesterday, had to get the IP address of a USB ethernet adapter and use it to configure the network bridge. and on a side note, you can run IDS on XP home with TWEAKNT software, it works beautifully! have been running it on my old Presario for four months now and havent had an issue aside from the updates.
  13. so...i finally found out that once you go past version 46 and are using the ethernet adaptor, it wont frikking work since ford changed it from a static IP to dynamic. thought i would pass that on. if you have the AE cable adaptor, you need a USB to Ethernet adaptor to make it work. i figured that one out last night at 5:50, while trying to program some PATS keys for a customer that had to leave by 6pm. somnamabitcvhes@@@@!!!!!
  14. 'preciate it man! these should make at least one payment on the new labscope this month!
  15. ok...pardon my stupid question, but am i going to have the flash file after i finish updating the IDS software? i have reflashed one vehicle, an 05 taurus, but that calibration was on the software already (did it a few months back) reason i ask is we have about 20 trucks to do this to, and i just want to make sure we have what it takes to do it. you gotta pull the FICM relay when doing them too, right?
  16. so...uh, i see im out of the loop on this. what is the inductive heat strategy? is it the same flash that keeps the injectors cycling for a few seconds when you shut it down? i havent flashed a 6.0 yet, have a few coming in over the next few weeks that i know have old flashes, figured i would see what it is before i do it so i know what to expect.
  17. 07 F350, our county bought four units with the last of the 6.0's to use as brush units. with water, we are tipping at about 10,565lbs. the truck runs like a raped ape, stops a hell of a lot better than the trucks they replaced (85 F350 with 460 cubic inches of crap, and no frikkin brakes). the problem we are having is with some cocky firefighters, they seem to think that since the truck will run up to 85 like it aint nothing, they should drive it like that. all the rest of our units are governed out at 65mph, and likewise i would like to be able to do the same with these new trucks. i really dont want to see these nice new trucks upside down cause someone was too hot headed and didnt back out of it. my reply from MC service was short and sweet "ford motor company does not offer or condone any form of modification you request" when i emailed them the other day to ask if there was some form of flash file to be uploaded with my IDS. i would also like to be able to have the truck automatically go to tow/haul mode when the unit is started, it makes one hell of a difference with the weight these things have in them. i'm pretty sure i can get an interface for that particular issue, we have installed them on several ambulances in the past for the same issue. any ideas or comments on what we can do? we have no issues paying for software or downloads, i just want to know what all options are out there. thanks, Joey
  18. i got the ids kit without case, VCM, both cables, power supply, and software. i have been waiting for it to come in from AE Tools in Arizona for the last three months, and i nearly !@#!?$! my pants when they called me tuesday to tell me it was being shipped! it took a while, but i finally got it in! Rotunda said they were on backorder still the last time i called them, apparently this tool company had a big order that had been on hold for a while and finally got them in.
  19. after six months of waiting and being fed a bunch of bullshit, it finally arrived friday. Glen gave me a copy of tweakNT, and it worked flawlessly on letting it run on the laptop i have XP home on. we were slammed all day yesterday, but i did manage to play with it a little and am damn impressed. already sold a pair of injectors on an 04 6.0 just because of it!
  20. ROTUNDA hangs up on me after a 10 minute hold, and the local dealerS are giving me the run around, saying they cant order me one i have to go through rotunda. i think im gonna go postal and shoot someone very soon.
  21. so i got a call today from the supplier: rotunda is still on backorder to them for at least three more weeks. seriously, anyone else have a line on getting one? or want to see if they can get one for themselves at their dealership? monetary compensation can be persued if need be......
  22. the EVAP Pro unit that MAC and matco sell have a nice big rubber cone to stuff in the pipe, it works VERY well. my first turbo i got violent installing it and bent the flange, i finally found the leak fast with a smoke machine.
  23. i noticed the dates, and the part numbers that are on the article you have and the numbers in Bruce's book are the same. reckon i just gotta tell the guy to order it anyway, since the largest thing they sell is an F250
  24. umm...either my local dealer cant decipher what i tell them for a part number, or that part number doesnt come up in their system. at least thats what they are telling me.....
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